Cyclid client

Note that the client is still in development. Some features are missing entirely and the interface is liable to change at any moment.


Created by gh-md-toc


$ gem install cyclid-client -s


Configuration file format

The configuration file is a simple YAML file with only five options.

Option Required? Description
server Required The hostname of the Cyclid server.
port Optional The port to use for connections to the Cyclid server.
organization Required The organization name.
username Required The username that is associated with the organization.
secret Required The HMAC signing secret for the user.


organization: my_organization
username: user
secret: b1fc42ef648b4407f30dc77f328dbb86b03121fb15aba256497ef97ec9a3cd02

Switching between configurations

The client uses configuration files under $HOME/.cyclid You can have multiple configuration files and switch between the with the organization use command.

For example, of your user belongs to two organizations, you can have one configuration file for each organization E.g.


and then use the command cyclid organization use organization_one to select it as the current configuration.

To find the list of available configurations, use the organization list command.

Specifying a configuration file

You can use the --config or -c option to specify the path to a configuration file to use instead of the current configuration that has been set with the organization use command.


Cyclid commands are grouped under the following categories:

Group Description
user Manage your current user
organization Manage your current organization
job Manage and submit jobs
stage Manage stage definitions
secret Create secrets
admin Administrator commands

User commands

user show

Display your current user details.

$ cyclid user show
Username: bob
Email: [email protected]

user passwd

Change your current users password. The user password is only used for HTTP Basic authentication.

$ cyclid user passwd
Password: <enter new password>
Confirm password: <re-enter new password>

user modify

Change your current users email address, HMAC secret and/or password. You can pass the following options:

Option Short option Description
--email -e Change your email address
--secret -s Change your HMAC secret
--password -p Change your email address

Unlike the interactive user passwd command you can use user modify and pass your new password on the command line.

Your HMAC secret should ideally be a suitably long (at least 256 bit) and random string, which you should keep secure in your Cyclid configuration file. After changing your HMAC secret you will need to update your configuration file with the new secret before you can run any other Cyclid commands.

# Change your email
$ cyclid user modify --email [email protected]
# Change your HMAC secret
$ cyclid user modify --secret b072d8b51cec2755145c401b9249a60ebd89b4704eeebc5b6805ba682d7fac53

Organization commands

organization list

Lists all of the available organization configurations on your local machine.

$ cyclid org list
    Organization: admins
    Username: admin
    Organization: example
    Username: bob

organization show

Display the details of your currently selected organization, including the list of organization members and its public key.

$ cyclid org show
Name: example
Owner Email: [email protected]
Public Key: -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

organization use

Select an organization configuration to use by default. Pass a name of an organization from organization list to select it as your current configuration. If you do not pass a new organization name, the name of the currently selected organization is shown.

# Show the currently selected organization
$ cyclid organization use
# Select the 'admins' organization
$ cyclid organization use admins

organization modify

Modify the current organization. This command can only be used by organization admins.

You can pass the following options:

Option Short option Description
--email -e Change the owner email address
# Change the organization owner email address
$ cyclid organization modify --email [email protected]

organization member

The organization member command has a series of sub-commands which are used to manage users which belong to the organization.

organization member list

List all of the users who are members of the current organization.

$ cyclid organization member list
organization member show

Display the user details of an organization member, including the user permissions.

$ cyclid organization member show bob
Username: bob
Email: [email protected]
    Admin: false
    Write: true
    Read: true
organization member add

Add user(s) to the current organization. You must pass at least one username.

Users are added without any permissions set. You can use the organization member permission command to modify the user permissions after they have been added to the organization.

# Add a single user, 'bob', to the organization
$ cyclid organization member add bob
# Add multiple users, 'bob' and 'lucy', to the organization
$ cyclid organization member add bob lucy
organization member permission

Modify a users permissions for the organization. You must pass the username and the level of access you want the user to have. This can be one of:

  • admin
  • write
  • read
  • none

The 'admin' permission implies 'write', and the 'write' permission implies 'read'.

With 'none' the user remains an organization member but can not interact with it. See the organization member remove command if you want to actually remove a user from the organization.

# Give the user 'bob' read-only access to the organization
$ cyclid organization member permission bob read
# Give the user 'lucy' admin permissions for the organization
$ cyclid organization member permission lucy admin
organization member remove

Remove user(s) from the current organization. You must pass at least one username. By default the organization member remove command will ask you to confirm the removal first; you can over-ride this with the --force/-f option to force removal without confirmation.

Option Short option Description
--force -f Do not ask for confirmation before removing the user
# Remove the user 'bob' from the organization without asking for confirmation
$ cyclid organization member remove bob --force

organization config

The organization config command has a series of sub-commands which are used to get and set plugin configurations for your organization.

organization config show

Show the current organization specific configuration for a plugin. You must specify both the plugin type, and the plugin name.

# Show the current configuration for the Github API plugin
$ cyclid organization config show api github
Repository OAuth tokens
Github HMAC signing secret: Not set
organization config edit

Modify the organization specific configuration for a plugin. You must specify both the plugin type, and the plugin name.

The config edit command expects the $EDITOR environment variable to be set to the path of a valid text editor that it can start.

$ cyclid organization config edit api github
# The Github plugin configuration is loaded in your text editor

Job commands

job show

Show the details of a job. You must pass a valid job ID.

$ cyclid job show 7
Job: 7
Name: test_job
Version: 1.0.0
Started: Thu Apr 21 16:40:57 2016
Ended: Thu Apr 21 16:41:04 2016
Status: Succeeded

job status

Show the status of a job. You must pass a valid job ID.

$ cyclid job status 7
Status: Succeeded

job log

Show the log from a job. You must pass a valid job ID.

$ cylid job log 7
2016-04-21 16:40:57 +0100 : Obtaining build host...
2016-04-21 16:41:47 +0100 : Preparing build host...
2016-04-21 16:41:47 +0100 : Job started. Context: {"job_id"=>7, "job_name"=>"test_job", "job_version"=>"1.0.0", "organization"=>"example", "os"=>"ubuntu_trusty", "name"=>"mist-3c04c6134a3f776cbe8e91e396d4dace", "host"=>"", "username"=>"build", "workspace"=>"/home/build", "password"=>nil, "key"=>"~/.ssh/id_rsa_build", "server"=>"build01", "distro"=>"ubuntu", "release"=>"trusty"}
2016-04-21 16:41:47 +0100 : Running stage example v1.0.0

job submit

Submit a Cyclid job file to be run. The job submit command expects to be passed a path to a valid Cyclid job file in either JSON or YAML format.

The job submit command will attempt to automatically detect the format of the job file. You can use the --json/-j or --yaml/-y options to over-ride the format detection.

The job ID for the job will be shown once the job has been submitted. You can then check the status of the job with the job status, job show and job log commands.

Option Short option Description
--json -j Parse the file as JSON
--yaml -y Parse the file as YAML
$ cyclid job submit job.yml
Job: 8

Stage commands

stage list

List all of the stages, and each version of each stage, that are defined for the organization.

$ cyclid stage list
example v0.0.1
example v0.0.2
example v0.1.0
success v1.0.0
success v1.0.1
failure v1.0.0

stage show

Show the details of a stage.

$ cyclid stage show example
Name: example
Version: 0.0.1
        Action: command
        Cmd: echo
        Args: ["'hello", "world'"]
Name: example
Version: 0.0.2
        Action: command
        Cmd: echo
        Args: ["'hello", "world'"]
Name: example
Version: 0.1.0
        Action: command
        Cmd: echo
        Args: ["'Hello", "universe'"]

stage create

Create a new stage, or a new version of a stage, from a stage definition in a file. The stage create command expects to be passed a path to a valid Cyclid stage definition file in either JSON or YAML format.

The stage create command will attempt to automatically detect the format of the stage file. You can use the --json/-j or --yaml/-y options to over-ride the format detection.

Option Short option Description
--json -j Parse the file as JSON
--yaml -y Parse the file as YAML
$ cyclid stage create stage.yml

stage edit

Edit a stage definition that exists on the server. Note that individual versions of a stage are immutable; once a version of a stage has been created it can not be deleted or modified. However, you can create a new version.

If you attempt to create a stage with the same name & version of an existing stage, the command will fail.

The stage edit command expects the $EDITOR environment variable to be set to the path of a valid text editor that it can start.

$ cyclid stage edit example
# The 'example' stage definition is loaded in your text editor

Secret commands

secret encrypt

Encrypts a string with the organizations public key. You can then add the encrypted secret to the secrets section of a Cyclid job definition.

$ cyclid secret encrypt
Secret: <Enter the secret to be encrypted>
Secret: uzegcZfXPuj4KNo+EpP928cgPW37gMDhdKw9OoCE0YXKWWtJ+kJIHzLyOGrF7p6dDJ3cWNZhEDADINJqsYMoaSbSAdT5Gx+lAo7BWOP+y20j9ECLyktfmhBi7mdxg66URcEe/VnD9JN9OObwGTaycb1XryZWeU/Hfr45Y/HObUnFhE+W+IHbAswMBO9bs3DogF672DFXkTtt+b0XW6ttyHGIqUqxoo8zFBEaDQlxa5oaW3iXSmcA+rrfolPO6gl9wI4PxH2kbxDeLoSo4Jolle3Oqv5SwcNOUChMHWsdJwrLDKvz995SvPJdVNkfsIAz1dDw8NYo0SroxIdC/3XzBQ==

Admin commands

Admin commands are used for server wide configuration, and are only available to server admins I.e. users who are members of the 'admins' group.

Admin commands are grouped under the following categories:

Group Description
organization Manage organizations
user Manage users
admin organization list

List all of the organizations on the server.

$ cyclid admin organization list
admin organization show

Show the details of an organization, including the owner email address, the list of organization members and its public key.

$ cyclid admin organization show example
Name: example
Owner Email: [email protected]
Public Key: -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
admin organization create

Create a new organization. You must supply the name of the new organization, and the organization owners email. You may also optionally add a user as the initial organization admin using the --admin/-a option.

Option Short option Description
--admin -a Username of the initial organization admin
# Create the 'example' organization with no initial admin
$ cyclid admin organization create example [email protected]
# Create the 'initech' organization with the user 'lucy' as the initial admin
$ cyclid admin organization create initech [email protected] --admin lucy
admin organization modify

Change an organizations owner email address or organization membership. You can pass the following options:

Option Short option Description
--email -e Change the organization owner email address
--members -m Set a list of organization members

Note: The --members/-m option will overwrite the complete list of members for an organization. Organization admins can use the organization member collection of commands to add & remove individual members in an organization.

# Change the owner email for the 'example' organization
$ cyclid admin organization modify example --email [email protected]
admin organization delete

Delete an organization. By default the organization delete command will ask you to confirm the deletion first; you can over-ride this with the --force/-f option to force deletion without confirmation.

Note: Deleting organizations is not currently supported by the API and this command will always fail.

Option Short option Description
--force -f Do not ask for confirmation before deleting the organization
# Delete the 'initech' organization
$ cyclid admin organization delete initech
admin user list

List all of the users on the server.

$ cyclid admin user list
admin user show

Show the details of a user, including their email address and the list organizations they belong to.

$ cyclid admin user show bob
Username: bob
Email: [email protected]
admin user create

Create a new user. You must supply the username of the new user, and the users email address.

You may also optionally set the users HTTP Basic password with the --password/-p option, or set their HMAC secret with the --secret/-s option. You must at least set their password or their HMAC secret for the user to be able to log in to the server.

The users HMAC secret should ideally be a suitably long (at least 256 bit) and random string, which the user should keep secure in their Cyclid configuration file.

Option Short option Description
--password -p The new users initial HTTP Basic password
--secret -s The new users HMAC signing secret
# Create the user 'bob' with an initial HMAC secret
$ cyclid admin user create bob [email protected] -s b072d8b51cec2755145c401b9249a60ebd89b4704eeebc5b6805ba682d7fac53
admin user passwd

Change a users password. The user password is only used for HTTP Basic authentication.

# Change the password for the user 'bob'
$ cyclid admin user passwd bob
Password: <enter new password>
Confirm password: <re-enter new password>
admin user modify

Change a users email address, HMAC secret and/or password. You can pass the following options:

Option Short option Description
--email -e Change the users email address
--secret -s Change the users HMAC secret
--password -p Change the users email address

Unlike the interactive user passwd command you can use user modify and pass the users new password on the command line.

Your HMAC secret should ideally be a suitably long (at least 256 bit) and random string, which the user should keep secure in their Cyclid configuration file. After changing a users HMAC secret they will need to update their configuration file with the new secret before they can run any other Cyclid commands.

# Change the email address for the user 'bob'
$ cyclid admin user modify bob --email [email protected]
# Change the HMAC secret for the user 'lucy'
$ cyclid admin user modify lucy --secret b072d8b51cec2755145c401b9249a60ebd89b4704eeebc5b6805ba682d7fac53
admin user delete

Delete a user. By default the user delete command will ask you to confirm the deletion first; you can over-ride this with the --force/-f option to force deletion without confirmation.

Option Short option Description
--force -f Do not ask for confirmation before deleting the user
# Delete the user 'bob' without asking for confirmation
$ cyclid admin user delete bob --force