Cyclical for Rails

Integration with ruby and JavaScript versions of Cyclical recurring events library for yourrails application.


Cyclical lets you list recurring events with complex recurrence rules like "every 4 years, the first Tuesday after a Monday in November" in a simple way both in the front-end and the back-end of your application.


Add the cyclical-rails gem in your Gemfile

gem "cyclical-rails"

The cyclical JavaScript library will be added to the asset pipeline. To use them add the following to app/assets/javascript/application.js:

//= require cyclical


Ruby & JavaScript

In your controller you do:

schedule =, Cyclical::Rule.daily(2).count(3)

in your javascript you do:

var schedule = new Schedule(new Date, Schedule.Rule.daily(2).count(3));
var occ = schedule.occurrences();

and you get the same results.

You can send schedules over the wire as JSON. Serialize in ERB

schedule_json = '<%= @schedule.to_json.html_safe %>';

and load in javascript

var schedule = Schedule.fromJSON(schedule_json);

The same also works the other way round.

For more information about Cyclical and Cyclical.js see the respective repos.


Released under the MIT License.