

First step is to add CustomerVault to Gemfile :

gem "customer_vault"

and install it :

bundle install

Then, you need mount it in config/routes.rb :

mount Dorsale::Engine,       at: "/dorsale"
mount CustomerVault::Engine, at: "/customer_vault"

CustomerVault depends on Dorsale, so you need to mount it too.

After mount, you need to import and run CustomerVault (and it's dependencies) migrations :

rake railties:install:migrations
rake db:migrate

You have to perform this operation after each CustomerVault update to import eventual new migrations.

You now need to import JS and CSS files in app/assets/javascripts/application.js :

//= require dorsale/all
//= require customer_vault/all

And in app/assets/stylesheets/application.sass :

@import dorsale/all
@import customer_vault/all

Now, CustomerVault works but is not secure. CustomerVault has a permissive CustomerVault::Ability class (CanCan gem) that does not control any access. You need to change the default Ability to use :

Create this app/controllers/customer_vault/application_controller.rb file :

require_dependency CustomerVault::Engine.root.join("app/controllers/customer_vault/application_controller.rb")

module CustomerVault
  class ApplicationController
    def current_ability
      @current_ability ||=

And you just have to complete your existing Ability.rb using CustomerVault Ability as example.