secp256k1 wrapper for Ruby

This gem wraps libsecp256k1 from the Bitcoin source in a couple of Ruby classes.

Use in a pipeline to generate crypto-currency addresses and for BIP32 operations (public key addition).

To use this gem, libsecp256k1 must be installed on your system


Generate a new private key:

key =

Get a compressed public key (used by most cryptocurrencies):


Load an existing private key:

key ="256-bit binary private key value")

Installing secp256k1

On a Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt install libsecp256k1-dev

On macOs:

It still doesn't come packaged with brew by default but there are a few taps where you can find it.

Install from source:

git clone
cd secp256k1
./configure --enable-module-recovery --enable-experimental --enable-module-ecdh --enable-module-schnorr
make && sudo make install


  • Signing and verification
  • Embed libsecp256k1 in ext? (as a git submodule)