
Utility for making multiple curl requests using a CSV file.


gem install csv-curl


Usage: csv-curl [OPTIONS] [CURL OPTIONS]
        --template FILE              Path to the template file
        --csv CSV_FILE               Path to the CSV file
        --exec UTILITY               Utility to run on each response


File containing the payload to pass to the curl command, the "-d@" option.

CSV File

A CSV file containing the replacement values to use. It must have a header. And have a header for all replacement variables.


This is an additional command to run on the response body from the curl command.

Example to output only the "id" from a JSON body

csv-curl --csv emails.csv 'https://example.com/user_lookup?email={{param:email}}' --exec 'jq ".id" -r'

Replacement variables

A replacement variable is enclosed in handlebars format: name }. Replacement variables can be used in the arguments to curl, in the template and in the utility.

(format and name a separated by a colon)

  • name matches a header in the CSV file
  • format escape sequence to apply the the replacement value
    • json JSON encode
    • param URL encode
    • base64 Base64 encode
    • urlsafe64 URL safe Base64 encode
    • hex Hex encode
    • shell Shell encode

Example: lookup users by email and save response by user id.

csv-curl --csv users.csv 'https://example.com/user_lookup?email={{param:email}}' --exec 'cat > {{id}}.json'

# users.csv
5,[email protected]
8,[email protected]