Crypto Punks

cryptopunks - mint your own 24×24 pixel punk images off chain from the True Official Genuine CryptoPunks™ sha256-verified original 10 000 unique character collection; incl. 2x/4x/8x zoom for bigger sizes

New to Crypto Punks? See the Awesome CryptoPunks Bubble (Anno 2021) - Modern 24×24 Pixel Crypto Art on the Blockchain »

Command Line

Use the punk (or cryptopunk) command line tool. Try:

$ punk -h

resulting in:

Usage: cryptopunk [options] IDs
  Mint punk characters from composite (./punks.png) - for IDs use 0 to 9999

    -z, --zoom=ZOOM        Zoom factor x2, x4, x8, etc. (default: 1)
    -d, --dir=DIR          Output directory (default: .)
    -f, --file=FILE        True Official Genuine CryptoPunks™ composite image (default: ./punks.png)
    -h, --help             Prints this help

Step 0 - Download the True Official Genuine CryptoPunks™ composite image

One time / first time only - Download the True Official Genuine CryptoPunks™ composite housing all 10 000 CryptoPunks in a single 2400×2400 image (~830 kb) for free. See punks.png »

Now let's give it a try. Let's mint punk #0, #2890, and #8219:

$ punk 0 2890 8219


==> reading >./punks.png<...
     >ac39af4793119ee46bbff351d8cb6b5f23da60222126add4268e261199a2921b< SHA256 hash matching
         ✓ True Official Genuine CryptoPunks™ verified
==> (1/3) minting punk #0; writing to >./punk-0000.png<...
==> (2/3) minting punk #2890; writing to >./punk-2890.png<...
==> (3/3) minting punk #8219; writing to >./punk-8219.png<...

And voila!

Bonus: Try the -z/--zoom factor x2, x4, x8, etc.

Let's give it a try. Let's mint punk #0, #2890, and #8219 in 2x format:

$ punk --zoom 2 0 2890 8219
# -or-
$ punk -z2 0 2890 8219


==> reading >./punks.png<...
     >ac39af4793119ee46bbff351d8cb6b5f23da60222126add4268e261199a2921b< SHA256 hash matching
         ✓ True Official Genuine CryptoPunks™ verified
    setting zoom to 2x
==> (1/3) minting punk #0; writing to >punk-0000x2.png<...
==> (2/3) minting punk #2890; writing to >punk-2890x2.png<...
==> (3/3) minting punk #8219; writing to >punk-8219x2.png<...

And voila!

And x4:

And x8:

And so on.

Usage in Your Scripts

Yes, you can mint punks in your own scripts. Example:

require 'cryptopunks'

# step 1: read True Official Genuine CryptoPunks™ composite image
punks = './punks.png' )

# step 2: start minting

punks[0].save( './punk-0000.png' )
punks[2890].save( './punk-2890.png' )
punks[8219].save( './punk-8219.png')

# or change the zoom factor
punks.zoom = 4   # use x4

punks[0].save( './punk-0000x4.png' )
punks[2890].save( './punk-2890x4.png' )
punks[8219].save( './punk-8219x4.png')

and so on. Happy miniting. That's all for now.


Just install the gem:

$ gem install cryptopunks


The scripts are dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.

Questions? Comments?

Post them on the cryptopunk reddit. Thanks.