

Name Type Description Notes
converted_amount String Defines the tokens' converted amount value.
exchange_rate_unit String Represents token's exchange rate unit.
name String Defines the token's name as a string.
recipient String Defines the address to which the recipient receives the transferred tokens.
sender String Defines the address from which the sender transfers tokens.
symbol String Defines the symbol of the non-fungible tokens.
token_id String Represents tokens' unique identifier.
type String Defines the specific token type.


require 'crypto_apis'

instance =
  converted_amount: 0.034,
  exchange_rate_unit: USD,
  name: Axie Infinity,
  recipient: 0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7,
  sender: 0x65b895f400dae5541d70cbbec07527210158f6e2,
  symbol: AXS,
  token_id: 13383,
  type: ERC-721