

Name Type Description Notes
amount String Defines the specific amount of the transaction.
converted_amount String Represents the converted amount.
exchange_rate_unit String Defines the base asset symbol to get a rate for.
operation_id String Represents the unique internal transaction ID in regards to the parent transaction (type trace address).
recipient String Represents the recipient address with the respective amount.
sender String Represents the sender address with the respective amount.
symbol String Represents the unique unit symbol.


require 'crypto_apis'

instance =
  amount: 0.001,
  converted_amount: 4.30365936483792,
  exchange_rate_unit: USD,
  operation_id: call_0,
  recipient: 0x07344b7649c5ff096b0317957d9a208931d04d5e,
  sender: 0x4b8ec9e58a8b08f3803f84fb52d0a50e84444592,
  symbol: ETH