

Name Type Description Notes
address String Represents the address that has unspend funds per which the result is returned.
amount String Represents the sent/received amount.
index Integer Represents the index position of the transaction in the block.
is_confirmed Boolean Represents the state of the transaction whether it is confirmed or not confirmed.
timestamp Integer Defines the exact date/time in Unix Timestamp when this transaction was mined, confirmed or first seen in Mempool, if it is unconfirmed.
transaction_id String Represents the unique identifier of a transaction, i.e. it could be `transactionId` in UTXO-based protocols like Bitcoin, and transaction `hash` in Ethereum blockchain.


require 'crypto_apis'

instance =
  address: 2N5PcdirZUzKF9bWuGdugNuzcQrCbBudxv1,
  amount: 0.00873472,
  index: 1,
  is_confirmed: true,
  timestamp: 1622466746,
  transaction_id: 4b66461bf88b61e1e4326356534c135129defb504c7acb2fd6c92697d79eb250