

Name Type Description Notes
amount String Defines the amount of the sent tokens.
divisible Boolean Defines whether the attribute can be divisible or not, as boolean. E.g., if it is "true", the attribute is divisible.
mined Boolean Defines whether the transaction has been mined or not, as boolean. E.g. if set to "true", it means the transaction is mined.
property_id Integer Represents the identifier of the tokens to send.
recipients Array<ListOmniTransactionsByAddressRIRecipients> Represents an object of addresses that receive the transactions.
senders Array<GetUnconfirmedOmniTransactionByTransactionIDTxidRISenders> Represents an object of addresses that provide the funds.
sent Boolean Defines whether the transaction has been sent or not, as boolean. E.g. if set to &quot;true&quot;, it means the transaction is sent.
timestamp Integer Defines the exact date/time in Unix Timestamp when this transaction was mined, confirmed or first seen in Mempool, if it is unconfirmed.
transaction_id String Represents the unique identifier of a transaction, i.e. it could be `transactionId` in UTXO-based protocols like Bitcoin, and transaction `hash` in Ethereum blockchain.
type String Defines the type of the transaction as a string.
type_iint Integer Defines the type of the transaction as a number.
version Integer Defines the specific version.
fee ListUnconfirmedOmniTransactionsByAddressRIFee


require 'crypto_apis'

instance =
  amount: 9.146383,
  divisible: true,
  mined: true,
  property_id: 2,
  recipients: null,
  senders: null,
  sent: false,
  timestamp: 1616487033,
  transaction_id: 37ed9145565ffc8c51df7370bd82d546d892973f15cb6c974e7b6b52f1bf5aa9,
  type: Simple Send,
  type_iint: 0,
  version: 0,
  fee: null