

Name Type Description Notes
contract_address String Represents the contract address of the token, which controls its logic. It is not the address that holds the tokens.
mined_in_block_height Integer Defines the block height in which this transaction was confirmed/mined.
recipient_address String Defines the address to which the recipient receives the transferred tokens.
sender_address String Defines the address from which the sender transfers tokens.
token_decimals Integer Defines the decimals of the token, i.e. the number of digits that come after the decimal coma of the token.
token_name String Defines the token's name as a string.
token_symbol String Defines the token symbol by which the token contract is known. It is usually 3-4 characters in length.
token_type String Defines the specific token type.
tokens_amount String Defines the token amount of the transfer.
transaction_hash String Represents the hash of the transaction, which is its unique identifier. It represents a cryptographic digital fingerprint made by hashing the block header twice through the SHA256 algorithm.
transaction_timestamp Integer Defines the specific time/date when the transaction was created in Unix Timestamp.
transaction_fee ListTokensTransfersByTransactionHashRITransactionFee


require 'crypto_apis'

instance =
  contract_address: 0x7495fede000c8a3b77eeae09cf70fa94cd2d53f5,
  mined_in_block_height: 9841271,
  recipient_address: 0x9e91eb3a35b96f0f0fe71f3c17fe8d29eb406b16,
  sender_address: 0x9df8a6441e8a3dda75019595d431f9aa0dec475c,
  token_decimals: 6,
  token_name: Tether USD,
  token_symbol: BAND,
  token_type: ERC-20,
  tokens_amount: 0.0012,
  transaction_hash: 0x60ba3dded833e61f63b6b6d62afe5c7526c5ca09c6744749f13eef11afde2cb4,
  transaction_timestamp: 1615818368,
  transaction_fee: null