

Name Type Description Notes
amount String Defines the specific amount of the transaction.
block_hash String Represents the hash of the block, which is its unique identifier. It represents a cryptographic digital fingerprint made by hashing the block header twice through the SHA256 algorithm.
block_height Integer Represents the number of blocks in the blockchain preceding this specific block. Block numbers have no gaps. A blockchain usually starts with block 0 called the "Genesis block".
operation_id String Represents the unique internal transaction ID in regards to the parent transaction (type trace address).
operation_type String Defines the call type of the internal transaction.
parent_hash String Defines the specific hash of the parent transaction.
recipient String Represents the recipient address with the respective amount.
sender String Represents the sender address with the respective amount.
timestamp Integer Defines the exact date/time in Unix Timestamp when this transaction was mined, confirmed or first seen in Mempool, if it is unconfirmed.


require 'crypto_apis'

instance =
  amount: 0.089286906469667626,
  block_hash: 0x85d538e441835ea749738cf690b676099d869059815842a7bde3259c58ff29eb,
  block_height: 12561919,
  operation_id: call_1,
  operation_type: CALL,
  parent_hash: 0x5d4ea0471b70de09fa3d6a4bc32f703ec44483bffa4d6169fa0a36c6a1dc108a,
  recipient: 0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2,
  sender: 0x7a250d5630b4cf539739df2c5dacb4c659f2488d,
  timestamp: 1622728329