

Name Type Description Notes
additional_data String Represents additional data that may be needed.
destination_tag Integer [optional]
index String Defines the index of the transaction, i.e. the consecutive place it takes in the blockchain.
mined_in_block_hash String Represents the hash of the block where this transaction was mined/confirmed for first time. The hash is defined as a cryptographic digital fingerprint made by hashing the block header twice through the SHA256 algorithm.
mined_in_block_height String Represents the hight of the block where this transaction was mined/confirmed for first time. The height is defined as the number of blocks in the blockchain preceding this specific block.
offer GetXRPRippleTransactionDetailsByTransactionIDRIOffer
receive GetXRPRippleTransactionDetailsByTransactionIDRIReceive
recipients Array<GetXRPRippleTransactionDetailsByTransactionIDRIRecipients> Represents an object of addresses that receive the transactions.
senders Array<GetXRPRippleTransactionDetailsByTransactionIDRISenders> Represents an object of addresses that provide the funds.
sequence Integer Defines the transaction input's sequence as an integer, which is is used when transactions are replaced with newer versions before LockTime.
status String Defines the status of the transaction. [optional]
timestamp Integer Defines the exact date/time in Unix Timestamp when this transaction was mined, confirmed or first seen in Mempool, if it is unconfirmed.
transaction_hash String Represents the same as `transactionId` for account-based protocols like Ethereum, while it could be different in UTXO-based protocols like Bitcoin. E.g., in UTXO-based protocols `hash` is different from `transactionId` for SegWit transactions.
type String Defines the type of the transaction.
fee GetXRPRippleTransactionDetailsByTransactionIDRIFee
value GetXRPRippleTransactionDetailsByTransactionIDRIValue


require 'crypto_apis'

instance =
  additional_data: rPmPErQe4g9725pcNxJpuvKkdqTESTQ6Tu,
  destination_tag: 3999472835,
  index: 2,
  mined_in_block_hash: 3f7af58d6cf1cd9020fb285d8e3e215131800d5109e42647ffd9b3aeae59df33,
  mined_in_block_height: 15973802,
  offer: null,
  receive: null,
  recipients: null,
  senders: null,
  sequence: 4294967295,
  status: null,
  timestamp: 1582202940,
  transaction_hash: 36a1737481edec87bacc3101dfb752ae2c76f9171e7edebe587e330c1ea77c8d,
  type: Payment,
  fee: null,
  value: null