

Name Type Description Notes
additional_details String Defines an optional note for additional details.
blockchain String Represents the specific blockchain protocol name, e.g. Ethereum, Bitcoin, etc.
fee_priority String Defines the priority for the fee, if it is "slow", "standard" or "fast".
network String Represents the name of the blockchain network used; blockchain networks are usually identical as technology and software, but they differ in data, e.g. - "mainnet" is the live network with actual data while networks like "testnet", "ropsten" are test networks.
recipients Array<GetTransactionRequestDetailsRIRecipients> Represents a list of recipient addresses with the respective amounts. In account-based protocols like Ethereum there is only one address in this list.
total_transaction_amount String Defines the total transaction amount.
transaction_id String Represents the unique identifier of a transaction, i.e. it could be transactionId in UTXO-based protocols like Bitcoin, and transaction hash in Ethereum blockchain. [optional]
transaction_request_status String Defines the status of the transaction request, e.g. pending.
transaction_type String Defines the transaction type, if it is for coins or tokens.
unit String Defines the unit of the amount.
wallet_id String Defines the unique ID of the Wallet.


require 'crypto_apis'

instance =
  additional_details: yourExampleStringHere,
  blockchain: bitcoin,
  fee_priority: standard,
  network: testnet,
  recipients: null,
  total_transaction_amount: 0.001,
  transaction_id: 61922aa68f192800067a8404,
  transaction_request_status: created,
  transaction_type: coin,
  unit: BTC,
  wallet_id: 60c9d9921c38030006675ff6