

Name Type Description Notes
contract String Represents the specific transaction contract
gas_limit String Represents the amount of gas used by this specific transaction alone.
gas_price GetTransactionDetailsByTransactionIDRIBSBSCGasPrice
gas_used String Defines the unit of the gas price amount, e.g. BTC, ETH, XRP.
input_data String Represents additional information that is required for the transaction.
nonce Integer Represents the sequential running number for an address, starting from 0 for the first transaction. E.g., if the nonce of a transaction is 10, it would be the 11th transaction sent from the sender's address.


require 'crypto_apis'

instance =
  contract: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001000,
  gas_limit: 21000,
  gas_price: null,
  gas_used: 21000,
  input_data: 0x,
  nonce: 25341