

Name Type Description Notes
difficulty String Defines how difficult it is for a specific miner to mine the block.
ds_block Integer Represents the Directory Service block which contains metadata about the miners who participate in the consensus protocol.
ds_difficulty String Defines how difficult it is to mine the dsBlocks.
ds_leader String Represents a part of the DS Committee which leads the consensus protocol for the epoch.
gas_limit Integer Represents the maximum amount of gas allowed in the block in order to determine how many transactions it can fit.
gas_used Integer Defines how much of the gas for the block has been used.
micro_blocks Array<String>


require 'crypto_apis'

instance =
  difficulty: 41.375,
  ds_block: 12443,
  ds_difficulty: 48.625,
  ds_leader: zil1k9hne0uu86wuj2n7qdqwhrm9uma0xn7ut42tsj,
  gas_limit: 550000,
  gas_used: 10028,
  micro_blocks: null