

Name Type Description Notes
asset_id String Defines the unique ID of the specific asset.
asset_logo GetAssetDetailsByAssetIDRIAssetLogo
asset_name String Specifies the name of the asset in question.
asset_original_symbol String Specifies the asset's original symbol as introduced by its founders.
asset_symbol String Specifies the asset's unique symbol in the Crypto APIs listings.
asset_type String Defines the type of the supported asset. This could be either "crypto" or "fiat".
latest_rate GetAssetDetailsByAssetIDRILatestRate
slug String Represents the asset`s unique slug string in Crypto APIs listings. [optional]
specific_data GetAssetDetailsByAssetIDRIS


require 'crypto_apis'

instance =
  asset_id: 5b1ea92e584bf50020130615,
  asset_logo: null,
  asset_name: Bitcoin,
  asset_original_symbol: BTC,
  asset_symbol: BTC,
  asset_type: crypto,
  latest_rate: null,
  slug: bitcoin,
  specific_data: null