

Name Type Description Notes
approximate_fee String Defines the approximate fee value. When isConfirmed is True - Defines the amount of the transaction fee When isConfirmed is False - For ETH-based blockchains this attribute represents the max fee value. [optional]
approximate_minimum_required_fee String Defines the approximate minimum fee that is required for the transaction. [optional]
gas_limit String Represents the amount of gas used by this specific transaction alone.
gas_paid_for_data String Represents the amount of gas paid for the data in the transaction. [optional]
gas_price String Represents the price offered to the miner to purchase this amount of gas. [optional]
input_data String Represents additional information that is required for the transaction. [optional]
nonce Integer Represents the sequential running number for an address, starting from 0 for the first transaction. E.g., if the nonce of a transaction is 10, it would be the 11th transaction sent from the sender's address.
r String Represents output of an ECDSA signature. [optional]
recipient String The address which receives this transaction. In UTXO-based protocols like Bitcoin there could be several senders while in account-based protocols like Ethereum there is always only one recipient.
s String Represents output of an ECDSA signature. [optional]
sender String Represents the address which sends this transaction. In UTXO-based protocols like Bitcoin there could be several senders while in account-based protocols like Ethereum there is always only one sender.
type Integer Specifies the transaction type as one from three options: if response returns a `"0"` it means the raw transaction includes legacy transaction data, if it is `"1"` - includes access lists for EIP2930, and if it is `"2"` - EIP1559 data.
v String Defines the the recovery id. [optional]
value String Represents the sent/received amount. [optional]


require 'crypto_apis'

instance =
  approximate_fee: 0.00016932,
  approximate_minimum_required_fee: 0.000021,
  gas_limit: 552020,
  gas_paid_for_data: 0,
  gas_price: 2994782927,
  input_data: 0x34,
  nonce: 16,
  r: 0xc297031972fe2d4926e01e66768d669882ace256f8a8397f757af341f5e7c49,
  recipient: 0x59d9d70DC4717cc9F3c1f7Bf3Fb9B62430872725,
  s: 0x7b717faa31c5edf9332e1cd5fa3f736838a9262834ece621bb3c30671b66ab05,
  sender: 0x4dF189c73C714dd636a99AA4f3317CcD72a05d62,
  type: 0,
  v: 0x26,
  value: 11.25