

Name Type Description Notes
blockchain String Represents the specific blockchain protocol name, e.g. Ethereum, Bitcoin, etc.
network String Represents the name of the blockchain network used; blockchain networks are usually identical as technology and software, but they differ in data, e.g. - "mainnet" is the live network with actual data while networks like "testnet", "ropsten", "rinkeby" are test networks.
from_address String Represents the hash of the address that provides the coins.
to_address String Represents the hash of the address to forward the coins to.
forwarded_amount String Represents the amount of coins that have been forwarded.
forwarded_unit String Represents the unit of coins that have been forwarded, e.g. BTC.
spent_fees_amount String Represents the amount of the fee spent for the coins to be forwarded.
spent_fees_unit String Represents the unit of the fee spent for the coins to be forwarded, e.g. BTC.
trigger_transaction_id String Defines the unique Transaction ID that triggered the coin forwarding.
forwarding_transaction_id String Defines the unique Transaction ID that forwarded the coins.


require 'crypto_apis'

instance =
  blockchain: bitcoin,
  network: testnet,
  from_address: mmd963W1fECjLyaDCHcioSCZYHkRwjkGST,
  to_address: ms4KNsbNpoU8g424pzmEjbkFbfAHae1msB,
  forwarded_amount: 00059441,
  forwarded_unit: BTC,
  spent_fees_amount: 0.00022827,
  spent_fees_unit: BTC,
  trigger_transaction_id: 86a7546bde4ac28b34504909d138592a6d6fc1277ea1f8f2f9c75dc04bdf3b7b,
  forwarding_transaction_id: 2241b5264fac8acb92e9fc597035b99cdd22f6578d63c6f52b099729f7c4f979