

Name Type Description Notes
api_version String Specifies the version of the API that incorporates this endpoint.
reference_id String Represents a unique identifier that serves as reference to the specific request which prompts a callback, e.g. Blockchain Events Subscription, Blockchain Automation, etc.
idempotency_key String Specifies a unique ID generated by the system and attached to each callback. It is used by the server to recognize consecutive requests with the same data with the purpose not to perform the same operation twice.
data BlockMinedData


require 'crypto_apis'

instance =
  api_version: 2.0.0,
  reference_id: 6038d09050653d1f0e40584c,
  idempotency_key: e55bf7a4a7188855f1c27541a6c387d04cc3b22ee34d1304b0e6ecad61c9906c,
  data: null