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Handy crumbs variable for rails views.


I did this gem to:

  • Have a dsl separate from the controllers to define crumbs.
  • Make crumbs remember query parameters from previous requests.


Put this line in your Gemfile:

“by gem ‘crumbs’

Then bundle:

“ bundle

NOTE: Because this gem stores queries in session, you may need a gem like redis-store to prevent cookies overflow.


Generate the configuration file:

“ bundle exec rails g crumbs:install



Use the crumb method to define a crumb:

“by Crumbs.define do crumb ‘pages#index’, ‘Home’ end

To translate the name you can use the t shortcut method, will prepend “crumbs” to the key:

“by Crumbs.define do crumb ‘pages#index’, t(‘.home’) end

For dynamic names you can use a block, will receive the corresponding parameters:

“by Crumbs.define do crumb ‘products#show’ do |params| Product.find(params[:id]).name end end

If you need to add multiple crumbs to the same controller:

“by Crumbs.define do namespace :admin do controller :users do crumb :index, ‘Users’ crumb :edit, ‘Edit user’ end end end


To disable crums in some controller:

“by class Api::BaseController < ApplicationController skip_before_action :set_crumbs end


Crumbs variable will be available in your views:

“b <% @crumbs.each do |crumb| %> > <%= link_to crumb[:name], crumb[:url] %> <% end %>


Any issue, pull request, comment of any kind is more than welcome!

I will mainly ensure compatibility to PostgreSQL, AWS, Redis, Elasticsearch, FreeBSD and Memcached. 


This gem is maintained and funded by mmontossi.


It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the MIT-LICENSE file.