Crudable Rails

crudable-rails is a Ruby on Rails gem that provides a set of helpers and modules to simplify the implementation of CRUD operations in Rails controllers.

It uses the following gems to enhance the functionality:

  • Pundit for authorization
  • Kaminari for pagination
  • FriendlyId for friendly finders
  • HasScope for filtering
  • Discard for soft deletion


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "crudable-rails"

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install crudable-rails


Controller Setup

To use crudable-rails in your controllers, call the crudable method. You can also specify if the controller is nested by passing the nested: true option.

class ProductsController < ApplicationController

class ProductSizesController < ApplicationController
  crudable nested: true

Customizing CRUD Actions

You can override the default behavior of CRUD actions by defining the following methods in your controller:

  • before_authorize_create
  • after_authorize_create
  • on_successful_create
  • on_successful_create_render
  • on_failed_create_setup
  • on_failed_create_render
  • before_authorize_update
  • after_authorize_update
  • on_successful_update
  • on_successful_update_render
  • on_failed_update_setup
  • on_failed_update_render
  • on_successful_destroy_render
  • on_failed_destroy_render

For example:

class ProductsController < ApplicationController
  include Crudable::Rails::Controller


  def on_successful_create
    # Custom behavior on successful create

  def on_failed_create_render
    respond_to do |format|
      format.html { render :new, status: :unprocessable_entity }

By default, Turbo Streams are supported for create, update, and destroy actions. If Turbo Streams are not available, the gem will fallback to rendering HTML responses. If you require support for other formats, you can override the default behavior by defining the appropriate methods in your controller.

Required Private Methods


This method should return the permitted parameters for the resource as an array. It's required to be defined on all controllers.

Optional Private Methods

The following private methods are available for use in your controllers:


This method should return the path to redirect to after a successful create. By default this will redirect to the namespaced index of the resource being created.


This method should return the notice to display after a successful create. By default this will return a success message via i18n.


This method should return the path to redirect to after a successful update. By default this will redirect to the namespaced show path of the resource being updated.


This method should return the notice to display after a successful update. By default this will return a success message via i18n.


This method should return the path to redirect to after a successful destroy. By default this will redirect to the namespaced index of the resource being destroyed.


This method should return the path to redirect to after a failed destroy. Default: after_destroy_redirect_path.


This method should return the notice to display after a successful destroy. By default this will return a success message via i18n.


This method should return the alert to display after a failed destroy. By default this will return an error message via i18n.


This method should return a boolean value to determine if the resource should be discarded. If it returns false the resource will be destroyed. Default: false.


This method should return a boolean value to determine if the resource is a singleton. Default: false.


This method should return the parameter used to find the resource. Default: :id.


This method should return a boolean value to determine if the resource should be paginated. Default: true if Kaminari is available, otherwise false.


This method should return a boolean value to determine if the resource should be found using friendly finders. Default: true if FriendlyId is available, otherwise false.


This method should return a boolean value to determine if the resource should be initialized on create. Default: false.


These methods should return the permitted parameters for the resource as an array. They are optional and can be defined if create and update methods need different parameters allowed.

Overriding authorizable_resource with a Namespace

The authorizable_resource method can be overridden to customize the resource authorization logic, especially when dealing with namespaced resources. This method should return the resource that needs to be authorized.

For example, if you have a namespaced controller:

module Admin
  class ProductsController < ApplicationController


    def authorizable_resource
      [:admin, @product]


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.