Crowdin Ruby client

The Crowdin Ruby client is a lightweight interface to the Crowdin API v2. It provides common services for making API requests.

Crowdin API is a full-featured RESTful API that helps you to integrate localization into your development process. The endpoints that we use allow you to easily make calls to retrieve information and to execute actions needed.

For more about Crowdin API v2 see the documentation:


Gem Gem Gem

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Table of Contents


  • Ruby >= 2.4


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'crowdin-api', '~> 1.2.0'

And then execute:

bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

gem install crowdin-api

:bookmark_tabs: For versions 0.6.0 and lower see the branch api/v1. Please note that these versions are no longer supported.

:exclamation: Migration from version 0.6.0 to 1.x.x requires changes in your code.

Quick start


require 'crowdin-api'

# Initialize a new Client instance with config options
crowdin = do |config|
  config.api_token = 'YourApiToken'

# Or you can intialize Enterprise Client instance by specifying your
# organization_domain in config options
crowdin = do |config|
  config.api_token = 'YourEnterpriseApiToken'
  config.organization_domain = 'YourOrganizationDomain'
# Note: we use full specified organization domain if that includes '.com'
# config.organization_domain = your_domain ->
# config.organization_domain = ->

# All supported Crowdin Client config options now:
crowdin = do |config|
  config.api_token = 'YourApiToken' # [String] required
  config.organization_domain = 'YourOrganizationDomain' # [String] optional
  config.project_id = 'YourProjectId' # [Integer] nil by default
  config.enable_logger = true # [Boolean] false by default
# Note: Client will initialize default Logger instance if you have specify
# enable_logger to true, you can change it by crowdin.logger = YourLogger

# Also you can specify proxy by adding it to ENV['http_proxy'] before Client initialization

To generate a new token in Crowdin, follow these steps:

  • Go to Account Settings > API tab, Personal Access Tokens section, and click New Token.
  • Specify Token Name and click Create.

To generate a new token in Crowdin Enterprise, follow these steps:

  • Go to Account Settings > Access tokens tab and click New token.
  • Specify Token Name, select Scopes and Projects, click Create.


# Create Project
project = crowdin.add_project(name: your_project_name, sourceLanguageId: your_language_id)

# Get list of Projects
projects = crowdin.list_projects

# Get list of Projects with offset and limit
projects = crowdin.list_projects(offset: 10, limit: 20)

# Get specified project
project = crowdin.get_project(your_project_id)

# Edit project
project = crowdin.edit_project(project_id, [{op: 'replace',
                                             path: '/name',
                                             value: 'your_new_project_name'}])

# Add Storage
storage = crowdin.add_storage('YourFilename.extension', 'r'))
# or you can specify only absolute path to file
storage = crowdin.add_storage('YourFilename.extension')

# Download file
file = crowdin.download_file(your_file_id, your_destination, your_project_id)
# your_destination - filename or absolute path to file, optional
# Without destination option file will be saved to the current directory with a default filename
# project_id is optional, as it can be initialized with a Crowdin Client

# File revisions
# with initialized project_id in your Client
file_revisions = crowdin.list_file_revisions(your_file_id, limit: 10)
# or you can specify your project_id
file_revisions = crowdin.list_file_revisions(your_file_id, { limit: 10 }, your_project_id)

Command-Line Client

The Crowdin Ruby client support crowdin-console, where you can test endpoints easier

$ bundle exec crowdin-console --enable-logger --api-token API_TOKEN --project-id PROJECT_ID

Or Crowdin Enterprise

$ bundle exec crowdin-console --enable-logger --enterprise --api-token API_TOKEN --organization-domain DOMAIN --project-id PROJECT_ID

Note: you can specify full organization domain by adding '.com'

When execute you'll have IRB console with configured @crowdin instance

> @crowdin.list_projects

Seeking Assistance

If you find any problems or would like to suggest a feature, please read the How can I contribute section in our contributing guidelines.

Need help working with Crowdin Ruby client or have any questions? Contact Customer Success Service.


If you want to contribute please read the Contributing guidelines.


The Crowdin Ruby Client is licensed under the MIT License.
See the file distributed with this work for additional 
information regarding copyright ownership.

Except as contained in the LICENSE file, the name(s) of the above copyright
holders shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale,
use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization.