Correctly Rounded Math Functions for Ruby floats

CRMF is a Ruby C extension which provides correctly rounded math functions for Ruby floats. CRMF is using MPFR, and CRlibm when possible. Provided rounding modes are:

  • toward zero,
  • toward +infinity,
  • toward -infinity,
  • to nearest even.


Documentation is available at


# Install prerequisites
sudo apt install ruby ruby-dev build-essential libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev
# Install the gem from RubyGems
gem install crmf

Building from sources

# Install prerequisites
sudo apt install ruby ruby-dev build-essential libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev
# Clone this repository, build the gem then install it
git clone
cd crmf
gem build crmf.gemspec
gem install --local crmf-0.1.1.gem
# Generate the documentation and open it
gem install yard redcarpet coderay
firefox doc/index.html