# CreepCheck

The CreepCheck project provides a library (and sample command line program) that applies the half-plus-seven formula to determine the social acceptability of relationship age differences (or, contrariwise, the “creepiness”) in romantic or sexual relationships.

## Installing

  1. Clone this repository.

  2. Run ‘gem build creep_check.gemspec`.

  3. Run ‘gem install <gemfile>`, probably as root.

The ‘gemfile` mentioned above is the file generated by the `gem build` command, and should look something like `creepcheck-0.0.1.gem`.

## Using The API

Do something like this in a Ruby program:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'creep_check'

# do stuff with the CreepCheck class here

## Using The Command Line Utility

$ creepcheck help