Class: Cql::Client::Client

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A CQL client manages connections to one or more Cassandra nodes and you use it run queries, insert and update data, prepare statements and switch keyspaces.

To get a reference to a client you call connect. When you don't need the client anymore you can call #close to close all connections.

Internally the client runs an IO reactor in a background thread. The reactor handles all IO and manages the connections to the Cassandra nodes. This makes it possible for the client to handle highly concurrent applications very efficiently.

Client instances are threadsafe and you only need a single instance for in an application. Using multiple instances is more likely to lead to worse performance than better.

Because the client opens sockets, and runs threads it cannot be used by the child created when forking a process. If your application forks (for example applications running in the Unicorn application server or Resque task queue) you must connect after forking.

See Also: