
Copycat is a Rails engine that allows users to edit live website copy.

How to use

Add copycat to your Gemfile and run bundle.

Copycat uses a database table to store the copy items, and so it is necessary to create that:

rake copycat:install rake db:migrate

Since Copycat data is stored locally on an indexed table with no foreign keys, page loads are very fast and changes appear instantly.

In a view, use the Rails i18N.translate() method where you would like to display some editable copy:


<%= t('site.index.header') %>


Visit the page in your browser, and a Copycat translation will be created for the key. Then visit /copycat_translations in your browser, log in with the username and password generated in config/initializers/copycat.rb, and you can edit the value of that token.

Rails i18N API

You can read about the Rails internationalization framework here.


To transfer changes from staging to production:

  • Download copy as YAML on staging
  • Login to Copycat on production
  • Upload YAML to production

Since this process requires no code commits, non-developers can also ‘deploy’ copy changes.

You can also commit Copycat’s YAML export, which is compatible with i18n, to your git repository.


As a Rails engine, Copycat is developed using a nested dummy Rails app. After cloning the repository and running bundler, the plugin must be installed in the dummy app:

bundle cd spec/dummy rake copycat:install rake db:create db:migrate db:test:prepare cd ../..

Now you can run the test suite:

rspec spec/


Copycat is released under the MIT license. See MIT-LICENSE file.