
CopticDate is used to convert Gregorian date to Coptic Date. It is also used to calculate Easter date for Orthodox.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'coptic_date'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install coptic_date

Date Converter

    requested_date =,9,8)
    CopticDate::get_coptic_year(requested_date) #1731
    CopticDate::get_coptic_month(requested_date) #13
    CopticDate::get_coptic_day(requested_date) #3

Calculate Easter Date

    CopticEaster::calculate_easter_date(2015) # 2015-04-12

Calculate Variable Feast Dates

    ### Big Fast Date
    CopticVariableFeasts::big_fast_start_date(2014) # 2014,2,24

    ### Jonah Fast Date
    CopticVariableFeasts::jonah_fast_start_date(2014) # 2014.2.10


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.