
A Ruby gem for macOS clients to report about items in the Applications folder.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'cookiedough'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install cookiedough


To see a list of availible options for CookieDough, require 'CookieDough' in file then type:
puts CookieDough.options

output should be similar to this:

- all_app_versions
- app_version
- dock_apps
- dock_bundles
- list_apps
- options
- receipts
- user_installed_apps


To get all applications versions: puts CookieDough.all_app_versions

To get a single application versions: puts CookieDough.app_version("pathtoapplication")

To get what applications are in the dock of the current user: puts CookieDough.dock_apps

To specify a user add their username as an argument, this must be run as root: puts CookieDough.dock_apps("username")

To get what bundleid's are in the dock of the current user: puts CookieDough.dock_bundles

To specify a user add their username as an argument, this must be run as root: puts CookieDough.dock_bundles("username")

To get what's currently in Applications folder: puts CookieDough.list_apps

To get what's been installed with installer recipets: puts CookieDough.receipts

To get what's been installed by the user. This removes base apps that ship with macOS: puts CookieDough.user_installed_apps


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.