
Simple Haml, Sass and CoffeeScript prototyping

Quickly hacked together one night. Not brilliant code, but it works. Patches welcome! ;)


[sudo] gem install convey


$ convey init my_project

Creates a new skeleton project in my_project.

$ convey server

Starts a Sinatra server at The root path maps to '/index.html'. Any .haml, .sass, or .coffee files will be rendered when a request comes in for the same file name but with the extension of .html, .css, or .js respectively.

$ convey compile

Compiles the project files into /compiled.

Issues? Ideas? Patches?

Please feel free to contact me!

Apache 2.0 License - See LICENSE for details. Copyright (c) 2011 Ashley Williams

In short, you can use Convey for whatever you like commercial or not, but please include a brief credit (as in the NOTICE file - as per the Apache 2.0 License) somewhere deep in your license file or similar, and, if you're nice and have the time, let me know if you're using it and/or share any significant changes or improvements you make.