Conversio by Jörg Behrendt and Victor Penso


Renders plain text files with Markdown syntax to XHTML pages. User can define their own Ruby ERB templates to customize the XHTML page generation. Also the creation of a table of content using the HTML header elements (like <h1>) and the syntax high-lighting of code snippets is supported.


Conversio RubyGem:

gem install conversio

Syntax high-lighting is done with Pyhton Pygments:

easy_install pygments

Usage Examples

Take a look to the help text:

conversio -h

Convert all files called *.markdown inside a defined directory and all sub-directories into HTML and store the in the destination directory.

conversio ~/docs/path/to/files ~/public/path

Create a single readme.html file including a table of content by using the 'dark' template:

conversio -t -p dark readme.markdown


GPLv3 - see the COPYING file.