
Conversational makes it easier to accept incoming text messages (SMS) and respond to them in your application. You could also use Conversational to respond to incoming email or IM.

Conversational allows you to have have stateful or stateless interactions with your users.

Stateless Conversations

This is the most common way of dealing with incoming messages in SMS apps. Stateless conversations don't know anything about a previous request and therefore require you to text in an explicit command. Let's look at an example:

Say you have an application which allows you to interact with Facebook over SMS. You want be able to write on on your friends wall and change your status by sending an SMS to your app. You also want to receive SMS alerts when a friend writes on your wall or you have a new friend request.

Let's tackle the incoming messages first.

Incoming Text Messages

Say your commands are:

  • us is ready for a beer
  • wow johnny wanna go 4 a beer?

Where "us" is update status and "wow" is write on wall

Assuming you have set up a controller in your application to accept the incoming text messages when they are posted from your SMS gateway you could use Conversational as follows:

class Conversation
  include Conversational::Conversation
  converse do |with, message|
    OutgoingTextMessage.send(with, message)

class UsConversation < Conversation
  def move_along(message)
    # code to update status
    say "Successfully updated your status"

class WowConversation < Conversation
  def move_along(message)
    # Code to write on wall
    say "Successfully wrote on wall"

class IncomingTextMessageController
  def create
    message = params[:message]
    topic = params[:message].split(" ").first
    number = params[:number] => number, :topic => topic).details.move_along(message)

There's quite a bit going on here so let's have a bit more of a look.

In the controller a new Conversation is created with the number of the incoming message and the topic as the first word of the text message. In our case the topic will be either "us" or "wow". Calling details on an instance of Conversation will try and return an instance of a class in your project that subclasses your main Conversation class and has the same name as the topic. In our case our main Conversation class is called Conversation so a topic of "us" will map to UsConversation. Similarly "wow" maps to WowConversation. So say we text in "us is ready for a beer" an instance of UsConversation is returned and move_along is then called on the instance.

Inside our subclassed conversations there is a method available to us called say. say executes the converse block you set up inside your main Conversation class.In our case this will call OutgoingTextMessage.send passing in the number and the message. Obviously this example doesn't contain any error checking. If we text in something starting with other than "us" or "wow" we'll get an error because details will return nil and move_along will be called on nil

Outgoing Text Messages

To handle your Facebook alerts you can simply make use of Conversation's say method: You might do something like this:

class FacebookAlert < Conversation
  def wrote_on_wall(facebook_notification)
    # Code to get the wall details
    say "Someone wrote on your wall..."

  def friend_request(facebook_notification)
    # Code to get the name of the person who befriended you
    say "You have a new friend request from ..."

Then when you get a facebook alert simply do either: => "your number").wrote_on_wall(facebook_notification) => "your number").friend_request(facebook_notification)

Stateful Conversations

Conversational also allows you to have stateful conversations. A stateful conversation knows about prevous interactions and therefore allows you to respond differently. Note this is currently only supported in Rails.

Let's build on the prevous example using stateful conversations.

Our application so far is stateless. Currently if we get a friend request we have no way of accepting or rejecting it. If we were to continue building a stateless application we would simply add a couple of new commands such as:

  • "afr <friend>"
  • "rfr <friend>" where "afr" is accept friend request and "rfr" is reject friend request.

But instead of doing that let's allow us to respond to a friend request notification with yes or no.

So we'll change our existing friend request alert to: "You have a new friend request from Johnnie Cash. Do you want to accept? Text yes or no."

With the current stateless implementation if they text "yes" then details will look to see if YesConversation is defined in our project, won't be able to find and return nil So here's how to make our application stateful.

class Conversation < ActiveRecord::Base
  include Conversational::Conversation
  converse do |with, message|
    OutgoingTextMessage.send(with, message)
    def finish
      state = "finished"!

class IncomingTextMessageController
  def create
    message = params[:message]
    topic = params[:message].split(" ").first
    number = params[:number]
    Conversation.find_or_create_with(number, topic).move_along(message)

class FacebookAlertConversation < Conversation
  def move_along(message)
    if message == "yes"
      # code to accept friend request
      say "You successfully accepted the friend request"
    elsif message == "no"
      # say "You successfully rejected the friend request"
      say "Invalid response. Reply with yes or no"

  def friend_request(facebook_notification)
    # Code to get the name of the person who befriended you
    say "You have a new friend request from ...Do you want to accept? Text yes or no."

The first change you'll notice is that our Conversation base class now extends from ActiveRecord::Base. This does a couple of things. But first we will need a migration file (which can be generated with rails g conversational:migration). Once we have that we can simply migrate our database rake db:migrate. Extending from ActiveRecord::Base adds a couple of methods for us which i'll describe in some more detail later. For our example we only care about one of them.

Jumping over to our controller you can see that now we are calling Conversation.find_or_create_with. This method was added when we extended Conversation from ActiveRecord::Base. The method tries to return the last recent, open conversation with this number. By open we mean that it's state is not finished and by recent we mean that it was updated within the last 24 hours. More on how you can override this later. If it finds one it will return an instance of this conversation subclass. If it doesn't it will create a new conversation with the topic specified and return it as an instance of its subclass (just like details).

Now take a look at our FacebookAlert class. The first thing is that we renamed it to FacebookAlertConversation. This is important so that it is now recognised as a type of conversation.

There is also a new method move_along which looks at the message to see if the user replied with "yes" or "no" and responds appropriately. Notice it also calls finish.

If we jump back and take a look at our main Conversation class we see that finish marks the conversation state as finished so it won't be found by find_or_create_with. It is important that you remember to call finish on all conversations where you don't expect a response.

So how does this all tie together?

The application receives an alert from Facebook with a new friend request and calls:

  :with => "your number", :topic => "facebook_alert"

This sends the following message to you: "You have a new friend request from...Do you want to accept? Text yes or no."

Notice that it calls create! and not new as we want to save this conversation. Also notice that topic is set to "facebook_alert" which is the name of the class minus "Conversation". This is important so find_or_create_with can find the conversation. Also notice that friend_request does not call finish. This conversation isn't over yet!

Now sometime later you reply with "yes". The controller calls Conversation.find_or_create_with which finds your open conversation and returns an instance as a FacebookAlertConversation.

The controller then calls move_along on this conversation which looks at your message, sees that you replied with "yes" and replies with "You successfully accepted the friend request". It also calls finish which marks the conversation as finished, so that next time you text something in it won't find any open conversations.

There are still a few more things we need to do in order to make this application work properly. Right now if we text in something other than "us", "wow" or "yes" we will still get an exception. Let's fix it in the following section.


In our example application we are responding to requests based on the first word of the incoming text message. But what if we text in something unknown or something blank?

You can configure Conversation to deal with this situation as follows:

class Conversation
  unknown_topic_subclass = UnknownTopicNotification
  blank_topic_subclass = BlankTopicNotification

class UnknownTopicNotification < Conversation
  def move_along
    say "Sorry. Unknown Command"

class BlankTopicNotification < Conversation
  def move_along
    say "Hey. What do you want?"

Now when we text in "hey jonnie", details will try and find a conversation defined as HeyConversation, won't be able to find it and will return an instance of UnknownTopicConversation instead.

move_along then causes a message to be sent saying "Sorry. Unknown Command."

The same thing happens for a blank conversation.

There is one more subtle issue with our application. What if we text in "facebook_alert"? The reply will be: "Invalid response. Reply with yes or no" when it should actually be "Sorry. Unknown Command". This is because if find_or_create_with cannot find an existing conversation it will try and create one with the topic "facebook_alert" if FacebookAlertConversation is defined in our application (which it is). To solve this problem we can use exclude.

class Conversation
  exclude FacebookAlertConversation

Now we'll get "Sorry. Unknown Command."

Overriding Defaults

When you extend your base conversation class from ActiveRecord::Base in addition to find_or_create_with you will also get the following class methods:

converser("someone") returns all conversations with "someone"

in_progress returns all conversations that are not "finished".

recent(time) returns all conversations in the last time or within the last 24 if time is not suppied

with("someone") a convienience method for converse("someone").in_progress.recent


Add the following to your Gemfile: gem "conversational"


rails g conversational:skeleton Generates a base conversation class under app/conversations

rails g conversational:migration Generates a migration file if you want to use Conversational with Rails

More Examples

Here's an example stateful conversation app about drinking


Conversational is only compatible with Rails 3 however you do not need Rails if you are not using stateful conversations.

Copyright (c) 2010 David Wilkie, released under the MIT license