GitHub Contribution Checker

People :heart: GitHub Contributions. However, it's not always simple to tell why a commit isn't counted as a contribution. This library lets you check whether a specific commit qualifies as a contribution.


require "contribution-checker"

checker = \
  :access_token => "<Your 40 char GitHub API token>",
  :commit_url   => ""

=> {
  :contribution => true,
  :and_criteria => {
    :commit_in_valid_branch      => true,
    :commit_in_last_year         => true,
    :repo_not_a_fork             => true,
    :commit_email_linked_to_user => true,
    :commit_email                => "[email protected]",
    :default_branch              => "master"
  :or_criteria => {
    :user_has_starred_repo               => false,
    :user_can_push_to_repo               => false,
    :user_is_repo_org_member             => true,
    :user_has_fork_of_repo               => false,
    :user_has_opened_issue_or_pr_in_repo => false

You might also like to try out the Contribution Checker app built on top of this library:


The source for the app is in jdennes/contribution-checker-app.

Created by @izuzak and @jdennes at the Hamburg Hackathon, June 2014.