Contentstack Ruby SDK

Use Contentstack to power content for your Ruby projects

Create Ruby based applications and use the Ruby SDK to fetch and deliver content from Contentstack. The SDK uses Content Delivery APIs.

Getting Started

This guide will help you get started with our Ruby SDK to build apps powered by Contentstack.

SDK Installation and Setup

To use the Ruby SDK, download it using the gem install command

$ gem install contentstack

Initialize SDK

You will need to specify the API key, Access token, and Environment Name of your stack to initialize the SDK:

@stack ="site_api_key", "access_token", "enviroment_name")

Once you have initialized the SDK, you can start getting content in your app.

Basic Queries

Get a Single Entry

To get a single entry, you need to specify the content type as well as the uid of the entry.

entry = @stack.content_type('content_type_uid').entry("entry_uid").fetch
puts entry.get('title') # Use `get` method to retrieve field value by providing a field's unique ID

Get Multiple Entries

To retrieve multiple entries of a content type, you need to specify the content type uid. You can also specify search parameters to filter results.

@query = @stack.content_type('blog').query
@entries = @query.where('title', 'welcome')

puts "Total Entries -- #{@entries.count}"
@entries.each{|entry| puts "#{entry.get('title')}" }

API Reference

Go through our SDK API Reference guide to know about the methods that can be used to query your content in Contentstack.

Read Ruby SDK API Reference Guide

Example Apps

To help you get started, we have created some sample applications that are powered by Contentstack Ruby SDK. Click on any of the links below to read the tutorials of the app, view app demo, or download the code from GitHub.

Product Catalog Contentstack provides Ruby SDK using which you can create applications based on Ruby, or any other web frameworks created using Ruby.