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Contentful Bootstrap

A small CLI tool for getting started with Contentful


[Contentful provides a content infrastructure for digital teams to power content in websites, apps, and devices. Unlike a CMS, Contentful was built to integrate with the modern software stack. It offers a central hub for structured content, powerful management and delivery APIs, and a customizable web app that enable developers and content creators to ship digital products faster.

What does contentful_bootstrap do?

contentful_bootstrap let's you set up a new Contentful environment with a single command.

How to Use


$ gem install contentful_bootstrap


You can create spaces by doing:

$ contentful_bootstrap create_space <space_name> [--template template_name] [--json-template template_path] [--locale locale_code] [--mark-processed] [--no-publish] [--config CONFIG_PATH] [--quiet]

You can also generate new Delivery API Tokens by doing:

$ contentful_bootstrap generate_token <space_id> [--name token_name] [--config CONFIG_PATH] [--quiet]

You can also generate JSON Templates from existing spaces by doing:

$ contentful_bootstrap generate_json <space_id> <delivery_api_access_token> [--environment ENVIRONMENT_ID] [--output-file OUTPUT PATH] [--content-type-ids ct_id_1,ct_id_2] [--content-types-only] [--use-preview] [--quiet]

You can update existing spaces from JSON Templates by doing:

$ contentful_bootstrap update_space <space_id> -j template_path [--environment ENVIRONMENT_ID] [--mark-processed] [--skip-content-types] [--no-publish] [--quiet]

Built-in templates

Just getting started with Contentful? We have included the following built-in templates:


You can use these with the --template option to create some demo data and start developing against our APIs right away. Once you've gotten comfortable, you can create your own templates for quickly replicating testing & development spaces.

Using from within other applications

Include contentful_bootstrap to your project's Gemfile

gem "contentful_bootstrap"

Require contentful_bootstrap

require 'contentful/bootstrap'

To Create a new Space"space_name")

Additionally, you can send an options hash with the following keys:

options = {
  template: "blog", # Will use one of the predefined templates and create Content Types, Assets and Entries
  json_template: "/path/to/template.json", # Will use the JSON file specified as a Template
  locale: "es-AR", # Will create the space with the specified locale code as default locale, defaults to "en-US"
  mark_processed: false, # if true will mark all resources as 'bootstrapProcessed' and will be avoided for update_space calls (doesnt affect create_space)
  no_publish: false, # if true it won't publish your entries or assets
  trigger_oauth: true, # if true will trigger OAuth process
  quiet: false, # if true will not output to STDOUT
  no_input: false # if true all input operations won't be done, exceptions thrown with alternatives through configuration file in cases in which it cannot proceed
}"space_name", options)

To Update an existing Space

options = {
  json_template: "/path/to/template.json", # Will use the JSON file specified as a Template
  environment: "master", # Will update the specified environment, will NOT create the environment if it doesn't exist, defaults to "master"
  locale: "es-AR", # Will create the space with the specified locale code as default locale, defaults to "en-US"
  mark_processed: false, # if true will mark all resources as 'bootstrapProcessed and will be avoided on future update_space calls
  trigger_oauth: true, # if true will trigger OAuth process
  skip_content_types: false, # if true will avoid creating the content types
  no_publish: false, # if true it won't publish your entries or assets
  quiet: false, # if true will not output to STDOUT
  no_input: false # if true all input operations won't be done, exceptions thrown with alternatives through configuration file in cases in which it cannot proceed
}"space_id", options)

To Create a new Delivery API Token"space_id")

Additionally, you can send an options hash with the following keys:

options = {
  name: "Some Nice Token Name", # Will Create the Delivery API Token with the specified name
  trigger_oauth: true, # if true will trigger OAuth process
  quiet: false, # if true will not output to STDOUT
  no_input: false # if true all input operations won't be done, exceptions thrown with alternatives through configuration file in cases in which it cannot proceed
}"space_id", options)

To Generate a JSON Template from an exising Space
  access_token: "delivery_or_preview_api_access_token",
  environment: "master", # Will fetch content from the specified environment, defaults to "master"
  use_preview: false, # if true will fetch from the Preview API instead of Delivery API
  filename: nil, # path to file in which to store JSON
  content_types_only: false, # if true will not fetch Entries and Assets
  content_type_ids: [], # if any ID is specified, JSON will only include those content types and entries that have that content type
  quiet: false, # if true will not output to STDOUT - only when filename is provided
  no_input: false # if true all input operations won't be done, exceptions thrown with alternatives through configuration file in cases in which it cannot proceed

Additionally, you can send an options hash with the following keys: NOTE: The :access_token key is required in the options hash

options = {
  access_token: "access_token" # REQUIRED
  environment: "master", # Will fetch content from the specified environment, defaults to "master"
  use_preview: false, # if true will fetch from the Preview API instead of Delivery API
  filename: "template.json", # Will save the JSON to the specified file
  content_types_only: false, # if true will not fetch Entries and Assets
  content_type_ids: [], # if any ID is specified, JSON will only include those content types and entries that have that content type
  quiet: false, # if true will not output to STDOUT
  no_input: false # if true all input operations won't be done, exceptions thrown with alternatives through configuration file in cases in which it cannot proceed
}"space_id", options)

Optionally, CommandRunner#new will take a parameter for specifying a configuration path


Contentful Bootstrap will read by default from ~/.contentfulrc, but you can provide your own file by using the --config CONFIG_PATH parameter

If you don't have ~/.contentfulrc created, you will be prompted if you want to create it

Configuration Format

The configuration file will be in ini format and looks like the following

CONTENTFUL_MANAGEMENT_ACCESS_TOKEN = a_management_access_token

SPACE_ID = some_space_id ; Space configurations are not required by this tool, but can be generated by it

JSON Templates

Using the --json-template option, you can create spaces with your own predefined content. This can be useful for creating testing & development spaces or just starting new projects from a common baseline. You can find a complete example here

Using the --mark-processed option alongside --json-template will mark all resources as bootstrapProcessed, which will make it so update_space calls avoid already created resources. (A resource being either a Content Type, Entry or Asset).

Workflow for backing up draft/updated content

In many cases, you want to have a dump of your whole space, including draft/updated content. To achieve this, do the following:

  1. Export the content:
# Export published content
contentful_bootstrap generate_json <SPACE_ID> <DELIVERY_TOKEN> -o bootstrap-published.json

# Export draft/updated content
contentful_bootstrap generate_json <SPACE_ID> <PREVIEW_TOKEN> -o bootstrap-preview.json --use-preview

Notice that on the second command we're using the --use-preview flag to use the Preview API to fetch the content.

  1. Create or update a space with the templates:
# Import published content
contentful_bootstrap update_space <SPACE_ID> -j bootstrap-published.json

# Import draft/updated content
contentful_bootstrap update_space <SPACE_ID> -j bootstrap-preview.json --no-publish

Notice that on the second command we're using the --no-publish flag to avoid publishing content that was originally draft/updated.

With this simple two-step process, you ensure that your content is fully reproducible, even if it's in draft state.


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