
The ContentDm module for Ruby provides access to structured metadata in CONTENTdm collections via CONTENTdm’s built-in OAI-PMH provider interface. The module turns Qualified Dublin Core metadata into a convenient hash structure. With proper authentication, it can also scrape collection-level field information from the CONTENTdm administrative interface and create formatted HTML output from retrieved records.


# Create a Harvester using the location of a CONTENTdm repository
harvester ='')

# Retrieve the list of collections
collections = harvester.collections  
=> {"collection1" => "My First Collection", "collection2" => "My Second Collection"}

# Retrieve a single record from collection1
record = harvester.get_record("collection1",16)

# Retrieve all records from collection2
records = harvester.get_records("collection2")

Calling record#to_xml() or record#to_html() at this point will return generic and arbitrarily-ordered markup, because the ContentDm::Mapper for collection1 hasn’t been initialized.

# Initialize the Mapper for a single collection
ContentDm::Mapper.init_map("", "collection1" :user => "my_contentdm_admin", :pass => "p@$$w0rd")
=> #<ContentDm::Mapper ... >

# Initialize Mappers for all collections on the server
ContentDm::Mapper.init_all("", :user => "my_contentdm_admin", :pass => "p@$$w0rd")
=> ["collection1", "collection2"]

Now record#to_xml() and record#to_html() will return markup consistent with the settings defined for the collection within CONTENTdm.