Consul - A scope-based authorization solution

Consul is a authorization solution for Ruby on Rails that uses scopes to control what a user can see or edit.

We have used Consul in combination with assignable_values to solve a variety of authorization requirements ranging from boring to bizarre.

Describing a power for your application

You describe access to your application by putting a Power model into app/models/power.rb:

class Power
  include Consul::Power

  def initialize(user)
    @user = user

  power :notes do

  power :users do
    User if @user.admin?

  power :dashboard do
    true # not a scope, but a boolean power. This is useful to control access to stuff that doesn't live in the database.


There are no restrictions on the name or constructor arguments of your power class.

Querying a power

Common things you might want from a power:

  1. Get its scope
  2. Ask whether it is there
  3. Raise an error unless it its there
  4. Ask whether a given record is included in its scope
  5. Raise an error unless a given record is included in its scope

Here is how to do all of that:

power =
power.notes # => returns an ActiveRecord::Scope
power.notes? # => returns true if Power#notes returns a scope
power.notes! # => raises Consul::Powerless unless Power#notes returns a scope
power.note?(Note.last) # => returns whether the given Note is in the Power#notes scope. Caches the result for subsequent queries.
power.note!(Note.last) # => raises Consul::Powerless unless the given Note is in the Power#notes scope

You can also write power checks like this:

power.include?(:note, Note.last)
power.include!(:note, Note.last)

Boolean powers

Boolean powers are useful to control access to stuff that doesn't live in the database:

class Power

  power :dashboard do


You can query it like the other powers:

power.dashboard? # => true
power.dashboard! # => raises Consul::Powerless unless Power#dashboard? returns true

Role-based permissions

Consul has no built-in support for role-based permissions, but you can easily implement it yourself. Let's say your User model has a string column role which can be "author" or "admin":

class Power
  include Consul::Power

  def initialize(user)
    @user = user

  power :notes do
    case role
      when :admin then Note
      when :author then Note.by_author


  def role


Controller integration

It is convenient to expose the power for the current request to the rest of the application. Consul will help you with that if you tell it how to instantiate a power for the current request:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  include Consul::Controller

  current_power do


You now have a helper method current_power for your controller and views. Everywhere else, you can access it from Power.current. The power will be instantiated when the request is handed over from routing to ApplicationController, and will be nilified once the request was processed.

You can now use power scopes to control access:

class NotesController < ApplicationController

  def show
    @note = current_power.notes.find(params[:id])


To make sure a power is given before every action in a controller:

class NotesController < ApplicationController
  power :notes

You can use :except and :only options like in before filters.

You can also map different powers to different actions:

class NotesController < ApplicationController
  power :notes, :map => { [:edit, :update, :destroy] => :changable_notes }

It is often convenient to map a power scope to a private controller method:

class NotesController < ApplicationController

  power :notes, :as => end_of_association_chain

  def show
    @note = end_of_association_chain.find(params[:id])


This is especially useful when you are using a RESTful controller library like resource_controller. The mapped method is aware of the :map option.

You can force yourself to use a power check in every controller. This will raise Consul::UncheckedPower if you ever forget it:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  include Consul::Controller

Should you for some obscure reason want to forego the power check:

class ApiController < ApplicationController

Validating assignable values

Sometimes a scope is not enough to express what a user can edit. You will often want to give a user write access to a record, but restrict the values she can assign to a given field.

Consul leverages the assignable_values gem to add an optional authorization layer to your models. This layer adds additional validations in the context of a request, but skips those validations in other contexts (console, background jobs, etc.).

You can enable the authorization layer by using the macro authorize_values_for:

class Story < ActiveRecord::Base
  authorize_values_for :state

The macro defines an accessor power on instances of Story. If that field is set to a power, the values of state will be validated against a whitelist of values provided by that power. If that field is nil, the validation is skipped.

Here is a power implementation that can provide a list of assignable values for the example above:

class Power

  def assignable_story_states(story)
    if admin?
      ['delivered', 'accepted', 'rejected']


Here you can see how to activate the authorization layer and use the new validations:

story =
Power.current = => :guest) # activate the authorization layer

story.assignable_states # ['delivered'] # apparently we're not admins

story.state = 'accepted' # a disallowed value
story.valid? # => false

story.state = 'delivered' # an allowed value
story.valid? # => true

You can not only authorize scalar attributes like strings or integers that way, you can also authorize belongs_to associations:

class Story < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :project
  authorize_values_for :project

class Power

  def assignable_story_projects(story)

The authorize_values_for macro comes with many useful options and details best explained in the assignable_values README, so head over there for more. The macro is basically a shortcut for this:

assignable_values_for :field, :through => lambda { Power.current }


Add the following to your Gemfile:

gem 'consul'

Now run bundle install to lock the gem into your project.


A Rails 2 test application lives in spec/app_root. You can run specs from the project root by saying:

bundle exec rake spec

If you would like to contribute:

  • Fork the repository.
  • Push your changes with specs.
  • Send me a pull request.

I'm very eager to keep this gem leightweight and on topic. If you're unsure whether a change would make it into the gem, talk to me beforehand.


Henning Koch from makandra