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Makes resolving a constant in a given namespace easy.


Install as usual: gem install const_lookup or add gem 'const_lookup' to your Gemfile. Note that Ruby 2.0 is required.


module A
  module B; end
  module C; end
module D; end

require 'const_lookup'

ConstLookup.lookup('A', A::C)  #=> A
ConstLookup.lookup('B', A::C)  #=> A::B
ConstLookup.lookup('D', A::C)  #=> D
ConstLookup.lookup('E', A::C)  #=> #<NameError: Failed to find `E' in A::C>

Or, if you like monkey-patching Ruby core:

module A
  module B; end
  module C; end
module D; end

require 'const_lookup/core_ext'

A::C.const_lookup('B')  #=> A::B
A::C.const_lookup('D')  #=> D


Contributions are welcome. Please be sure that your pull requests are atomic so they can be considered and accepted separately.

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Credits & License

Copyright © 2013 J. Andrew Marshall. License is available in the LICENSE file.