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Magically powerful deployment for Rails applications.


Deploying a Rails application with Conjure currently requires the following:

  • A DigitalOcean account

  • A Public/private SSH keypair to use for bootstrapping new cloud servers. Generating a new keypair for this purpose is recommended.

Also, your Rails application requires all of the following:

  • It must have a .ruby-version file indicating which version of Ruby to run

  • It must be able to run in production mode with a single Postgres database (any existing database.yml will be ignored)

  • It must be checked out locally into a git repository with a valid origin remote

  • The public SSH key you're using must have permission to check out the project from origin

Getting Started

First, install the Conjure gem by either adding it to your Gemfile

group :development do
  gem "conjure"

and then running bundle, OR by installing it directly:

gem install conjure

Then add a file to your Rails project called config/conjure.yml. This should be a YAML file with the following fields (all fields are required):

  • digitalocean_client_id and digitalocean_api_key: These credentials are available after logging in to your Digital Ocean account.

  • digitalocean_region: The geographic region for deploying new cloud servers. If unsure, use "New York 1".

  • private_key_file and public_key_file: Pathnames to local files (relative to your project's config directory) that contain the private and public SSH keys to use for deployment. It's recommended to generate a new keypair rather than using your personal SSH keys, since Conjure currently copies the specified private key to the server during deployment.

Here's an example conjure.yml file:

digitalocean_client_id: XXXXXXXX
digitalocean_api_key: XXXXXXXX
digitalocean_region: New York 1
private_key_file: conjure_key

Finally, tell Conjure to deploy your app:

conjure deploy

The last line of the output will tell you the IP address of the deployed server. Repeating the command will reuse the existing server rather than deploying a new one. Specify a branch to deploy with --branch or -b (default is master):

conjure deploy --branch=mybranch

Additional Commands

Additional commands are available after you've deployed with conjure deploy.


Produce a Postgres SQL dump of the currently-deployed server's production database, and save it to the local file FILE.

conjure export FILE


Overwrite the production database on the currently-deployed server with a Postgres SQL dump from the local file FILE.

conjure import FILE


Show logs from the deployed application. Optionally specify the number of lines with -n, and use --tail to continue streaming new lines as they are added to the log.

conjure log [-n=NUM] [--tail|-t]


Open a console on the deployed application.

conjure console


Run a rake task on the deployed application and show the output.

conjure rake [ARGUMENTS...]