
configutron is a rails gemplugin for simple, application wide settings. there are tons of projects like this; each does it differently, and this is how i like to do it. all the ones I tried seemed too heavy handed. i am publishing this as a convenience for myself to use in projects i work on.


use the gem in your rails project: do |config|
  config.gem 'configutron'

you have two options for specifying settings.

  1. one file (config/settings.yml)
  2. one file per environment (config/settings/environment_name.yml)

option 1 takes presedence; that is, if config/settings.yml exists, it will be used, and the config/settings directory will be ignored.


this option uses one file for the application, with settings for each environment nested under the environment's name, like database.yml.

add your variables to that file:

% echo "--- \ndevelopment: \n  variable: value\n" > config/settings.yml

try it out:

% ./script/console 
Loading development environment (Rails 2.3.5)
$ >> Configutron.variable
% => "value


create a folder config/settings. configutron will be available for each environment that has a corresponding yaml file in that directory.

% mkdir config/settings

add your variables to those files:

% echo "--- \nvariable: value\n" > config/settings/development.yml

try it out:

% ./script/console
Loading development environment (Rails 2.3.5)
>> Configutron.variable
=> "value"

name it something easier to type:

back in environment.rb do |config|
  config.gem 'configutron'

Configutron.constant = 'App'

try it out:

% ./script/console
Loading development environment (Rails 2.3.5)
>> App.variable
=> "value"


note on patches/pull requests

  • fork the project.
  • make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • add tests for it. this is important so i don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself i can ignore when i pull)
  • send me a pull request. bonus points for topic branches.

copyright (c) 2010 neal clark. See LICENSE for details (MIT License).