
A simple cli app in Ruby to generate configurations using BOSH ERB templates and a BOSH spec, but also using configurations based on environment variables, processed using a set of templates.


“sage: configgin [options] -j, –jobs file Job configuration JSON -e, –env2conf file Environment to configuration templates YAML


Example BOSH spec (bosh_spec.json)

“on { “job”: { “name”: “mysql”, “templates”: [{ name: mysql }, { name: consul_agent }] }, “networks”: { “default”: {} }, “properties”: { “acceptance_tests”: { “include_services”: false, “include_sso”: false, “nodes”: 2 } } }

Example job configuration file (job_config.json)

“on { “job_name”: { “base”: “/tmp/bosh_spec.json”, “files”: { “/tmp/my_template.erb”: “/tmp/output_file” } } }

Example environment variable template file (env2.conf.yml)


properties.acceptance_tests.nodes: “((TEST_NODE_COUNT))” properties.uaa.scim.users: “‘((TEST_VAR))’”

Example template (my_template.erb)

“b Hello, this is the users property: <%= p(“uaa.scim.users”) %>

Example of using the tool

“sh TEST_VAR=foo configgin \ -e ~/tmp/env2.conf.yml \ -j ~/tmp/job_config.json