
Twelve factor applications pull configuration values from the environment. These variables should be verified at application boot to prevent exceptions and unexpected behavior during run time.

ConfConf is a simple pattern and utility for verifying the correctness of the environment variables at application boot so we can fail fast when there's a configuration problem.


Add gem 'conf_conf' to your application's Gemfile.


Add a new initializer - if you use conf_conf.rb , as a matter of convention you shouldn't add ConfConf configuration blocks to other initializers.

# config/initializers/conf_conf.rb
$configuration = ConfConf.configuration do
  # Sets $configuration.secret_key, app fails to boot if not present
  config :secret_key

In the case above, if SECRET_KEY is not present, then ConfConf::MissingConfigurationValueError is raised:

  $ bin/rails s
  conf_conf/lib/conf_conf.rb:50:in `default_value': Please set SECRET_KEY or supply a default value
    from conf_conf/lib/conf_conf.rb:42

Default Values

# Sets $configuration.public_key from ENV["PUBLIC_KEY"], or uses the default if not available in ENV
config :public_key, default: "XYZ123"


You can adjust the value from the environment and typecast it or perform additional validation by passing a block to config:

# Sets $configuration.admin to a boolean value of true or false based on truthiness of ENV key, app fails to boot if not present
config(:admin) { |admin| 
  admin ? true : false 

Varying Names

If you'd like to reference a configuration value with a different name, you can use the from key as an option to config and pass it the name to expect from the environment.

# Sets $configuration.public_key from ENV["PUBLIC_KEY_WITH_ALT_NAME"]
config :public_key, from: "PUBLIC_KEY_WITH_ALT_NAME"


To assign directly to Rails.configuration instead of CONFCONF, you can use ConfConf.rails_configuration method.

# config/initializers/conf_conf.rb
ConfConf.rails_configuration do
  # Sets Rails.configuration.secret_key
  config :secret_key