
Ruby on Rails framework for making reporting easy.


Compendium is a reporting framework for Rails which makes it easy to create and render reports (with charts and tables).

A Compendium report is a subclass of Compendium::Report. Reports can be defined using the simple DSL:

class MyReport < Compendium::Report
  # Options define which parameters your report will accept when being set up.
  # An option is defined with a name, a type, and some settings (ie. default value, choices for radio buttons and
  # dropdowns, etc.)
  option :starting_on, :date, default: -> { - 1.month }
  option :ending_on, :date, default: -> { }
  option :currency, :radio, choices: [:USD, :CAD, :GBP]

  # By default, queries are converted to SQL and executed instead of returning AR models
  # The query definition block gets the report's current parameters
  # totals: true means that the last row returned should be interpretted as a row of totals
  query :deliveries, totals: true do |params|
    Items.where(delivered: true, purchased_at: (params[:starting_on]..params[:ending_on]))

  # Define a query which collects data by using AR directly
  query :on_hand_inventory, collect: :active_record do |params|
    Items.where(in_stock: true)

  # Define a query that works on another query's result set
  # Note: chart and data are aliases for query
  chart :deliveries_over_time, through: :deliveries do |results|

  # Queries can also be used to drive metrics
  metric :shipping_time, -> results { results.last['shipping_time'] }, through: :deliveries

Reports can then also be simply instantiated (which is done automatically if using the supplied Compendium::ReportsController):

report = '2013-06-01') # The parameter is the context to run the report in; usually this should be
                 # a controller context so that methods like current_user can be used

Compendium also comes with a variety of different presenters, for rendering the setup page, and displaying charts (report.render_chart), tables (report.render_table) and metrics for your report. Charting is delegated through a ChartProvider to a charting gem (amcharts.rb is currently supported).

Tying into your Rails application

Compendium has a Rails::Engine, which adds a default controller and some views. If desired, the controller can be subclassed so that filters and the like can be added. The controller (which extends ApplicationController automatically) has two actions: setup (collect options for the report) and run (execute and render the report), with accompanying views. The setup view can be included inside your own view using the render_report_setup method (NOTE: you have to pass local_assigns into it if you want locals to be passed along).

Routes are not automatically added to your application. In order to do so, you can use the mount_compendium helper within your config/routes.rb file

mount_compendium at: '/report', controller: 'reports' # controller defaults to compendium/reports

Interaction with other gems

  • If accessible_tooltip is present, option notes will be rendered in a tooltip rather than as straight text.
  • AmCharts.rb is currently the only chart provider (please create a pull request if you'd like to create another one...)


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'compendium'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install compendium


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


  • Special thanks to TalentNest, who sponsored this gem's development.