

This is a compass extension to convert spaces into tabstops in the output css files.

It will convert the 2-space indention of compass into tabstops:
2 spaces will be converted into 1 tab.

Since v0.2 it converts also 2-space-indention in x-space-indention like in your config file.


Just go to your terminal an type this

sudo gem install compass-tabs

How to use

In your compass config file add this line

require "compass-tabs"

From now on the extension is active and converts the default 2-space indention of compass into tabstops.

since v0.2

Since v0.2 you can add this lines to your compass config file.

# use tabs or spaces (true = default)
use_tabs = true
# adjust tabstop size
tab_size = 1
# adjust space size
space_size = 4


This is is my first compass extension, so if you have some annotations don't hesitate and write it here.