Compass Plugin for Symbolset

Keep in mind you'll need to buy the font libraries from Symbolset for this plugin to be of any use to you and your project

Install via Rubygems

$ gem update --system

$ gem install compass-symbolset-plugin


Add the following to your config.rb in your compass project

require 'compass-symbolset'

Import it in your .scss file.

@import 'compass-symbolset'

Triggers ( new )

In your .scss file that imports the stylesheets, we now use sass variable triggers. All styles are off by default. Turn them on by switching the variable.

$use-standard: true; // If you want to use Standard Symbolset


SS-Standard => 1.004

SS-Social-Circle => 1.005

SS-Social-Regular => 1.005

Don't forget to ...

Copy the font libraries to your font_dir.

Update your js files.


Currently only supports the Standard & Social ( Regular & Circle ) libraries.


Compass & Symbolset