Pug for Compass

Pug is a collection of mixins and functions for use in Sass/Compass projects. It provides various helpers and utilities, some of which are adapted from CSS classes included in various HTML starter packages like Bootstrap and HTML5 Boilerplate. It aims to increase consistency and productivity in front-end development, as well as to help get non-semantic utility classes out of markup.


Pug is distributed as a Ruby gem called compass-pug and requires Compass 1.0+. You can install it (and its dependencies) with the gem command:

gem install compass-pug

Once the gem is installed, require it in your Compass project's config file (probably called config.rb):

require 'compass-pug'

And import the library itself in your Sass/SCSS code:

@import "pug";

What's Included

For complete details, including function/mixin parameters, view the stylesheets/pug/_functions.scss and stylesheets/pug/_mixins.scss source files. And take a look the Variables below (or at stylesheets/_pug.scss) for various overridable configuration variables (define your own value for any of these prior to importing Pug).

Sass Mixins

  • pug-aligncenter(): Sets display:block, clear:both and auto l/r margin to horizontally center an element.
  • pug-alignleft(): Sets display:inline, float:left and applies some right margin based on the configured horizontal unit.
  • pug-alignright(): Sets display:inline, float:right and applies some left margin based on the configured horizontal unit.
  • pug-clearfix(): Clearfix. Alias for pug-micro-clearfix().
  • pug-dark-bg-with-light-text(): Quickly apply bg, text and link colors to a selector appropriate for a dark background with light text.
  • pug-image-replacement(): Adapted from HTML5 Boilerplate's .ir class.
  • pug-light-bg-with-dark-text(): Quickly apply bg, text and link colors to a selector appropriate for a light background with dark text.
  • pug-micro-clearfix(): Provides Nicolas Gallagher's Micro Clearfix.
  • pug-placeholder-color(): Generates cross-browser CSS (with selectors) for setting the color of input field placeholder text. Via CSS Tricks.
  • pug-tab-size(): Vendor-prefixed tab sizing. Use with elements such as pre.
  • pug-sr-only(): Apply to an element to make it accessible only to screen readers. Adapted from Bootstrap 3.
  • pug-sr-only-focusable(): Applies (optionally, and by default) pug-sr-only() and shows the element again when it's focused. Adapted from Bootstrap 3.

Sass Functions

  • pug-calculate-line-height(): Calculate an appropriate line-height value that maintains vertical rhythm.
  • pug-round-up-to-nearest-vertical-unit(): Round a size up to the nearest factor of a vertical unit (or of a sub-unit of that vertical unit). Parameters must use the same unit of measurement (rem, px, etc).
  • pug-strip-units(): Strip unit of measurement from a numeric value. Ex: 10px becomes 10.
  • pug-units-match(): Determine whether two or more values use the same unit of measurement (such as px, rem, etc). Similar to the Sass comparable() function but requires exact match (such as mm and mm, but not cm and mm).


Below are the variables and their default values defined in stylesheets/_pug.scss. You can override any or all of these in your code by declaring them yourself before you import Pug (omit the !default flag shown on the definitions below if you do that).

// Colors
$pug-bg-color-light: #FFF !default;
$pug-bg-color-dark: #202020 !default;

// Darkish text colors used on light backgrounds.
$pug-text-color-dark: #202020 !default;
$pug-link-default-color-dark: #4183c4 !default;
$pug-link-visited-color-dark: $pug-link-default-color-dark !default;
$pug-link-hover-color-dark: lighten($pug-link-default-color-dark, 20%) !default;

// Lightish text colors used on dark backgrounds.
$pug-text-color-light: #FEFEFE !default;
$pug-link-default-color-light: #9DC7F5 !default;
$pug-link-visited-color-light: $pug-link-default-color-light !default;
$pug-link-hover-color-light: lighten($pug-link-default-color-light, 20%) !default;

// Tab size
$pug-tab-size: 2 !default;

// Vars related to vertical-rhythm.
$pug-vr-base-font-size: 16px !default;
$pug-vr-vertical-unit: 24px !default;
$pug-vr-preferred-division: 0.5 !default;
$pug-vr-line-height-minimum-difference-proportion: 0.25 !default;

// Vars related to horizontal rhythm (gridding).
$pug-hr-horizontal-unit: 10px !default;


Generating a Release

  • Update README.md with any new features or information required for usage
  • Replace the list of variable definitions in README.md with the ones in stylesheets/_pug.scss to make sure they are in sync
  • Update s.version, s.date and anything else that may need it in compass-pug.gemspec
  • Run gem build compass-pug.gemspec in the root of the repository (this will generate a new compass-pug-[VERSION].gem file)
  • Push that new file to rubygems.org with gem push compass-pug-[VERSION].gem (replace [VERSION] based on the actual name of the file)