
Communard adds some conventions from ActiveRecord to Sequel.

Sequel doesn't provide the exact same functionality as ActiveRecord. Communard doesn't try to make Sequel quack like ActiveRecord, it just tries to help with some (not all) setup.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'communard'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install communard


Rake integration

To add most Rake tasks, add this to your Rakefile or to lib/tasks/communard.rake:

require "communard/rake"
namespace :db do

This will add the most used rake tasks, like db:create, db:migrate, and db:setup.

To see them all:

$ rake -T db

Communard::Rake.add_tasks accepts the same configuration options as Sequel.connect. It doesn't immediately make a connection, only when needed.

The default connection string is ENV["DATABASE_URL"], so if you use that, there is no need to configure anything.

Other configuration options, can be set via a block:

namespace :db do
  Communard::Rake.add_tasks do |config|

    # Change where the application is located (default: db)
    config.db_path = File.join(Dir.pwd, "db")

    # Automatically generate schema (default: false)
    config.dump_after_migrating = false

    # Dump types in native format (default) or Ruby (more portable)
    config.same_db = true

    # Add a logger
    config.logger ="log/migrations.log")


Example with using config/database.yml:

namespace :db do
  environment = ENV["RAILS_ENV"] || "development"
  all_config = YAML.load_file("config/database.yml")

Note about test environment: Communard doesn't try to create a test database like ActiveRecord does. The only rake task that attempts to do that is rake db:test:prepare. It respawns rake with different environment variables set. Your mileage may vary.


To generate a migration:

$ communard migration create_posts

Communard doesn't support more arguments, like the Rails generator does. You'll have to edit the generated migration file yourself.

Communard supports both timestamps and integer versions. It automatically detects which type you have. If you have no migrations yet and want to use timestamps, add --timestamps. Read more about how to choose in the Sequel docs.


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
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  5. Create a new Pull Request