
coffeeshop is a simple Sinatra app that serves up all CoffeeScript files in a directory as JavaScript. For example, if you had /my/project/src/, and ran coffeeshop in /my/project you could hit http://localhost:4567/src/rad.js and it will be served up as JavaScript.

coffeeshop uses Redis for simple 1-hour caching of the generated JavaScript to keep things snappy.


> gem install coffeeshop
> cd /my/project/
> coffeeshop

coffeeshop accepts the usual Sinatra options:

-p port                          set the port (default is 4567)
-o addr                          set the host (default is
-e env                           set the environment (default is development)
-s server                        specify rack server/handler (default is thin)
-x                               turn on the mutex lock (default is off)


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