Travis Build


With this command you would be able to enjoy Codewars, a site where you can practice your coding skills


   gem install codewars_cli


The start working you would need an account in Codewars, if you have it already great!. To start using the CLI you will need setup up a few things first.



There are a few commands you can use to configuration your CLI, the most important one is to setup your api_key, first you will need to get it from your account of Codewars.

To setup your api_key codewars config api_key YOUR_API_KEY.

There are other options you can configure language and folder.

The language is your favorite option for downloading. Also you can specify everytime you start a new session what language you want use.

To setup your language codewars config language LANGUAGE.

Valid Languages


The folder option is where all your description file will be downloaded.

The file structure will be: ~/YOUR_FOLDER/#{NAME_OF_THE_KATA}/#{LANGUAGE}

To setup your language codewars config folder FOLDER.

Once you have finish the setup up, you can changed but you will have to pass a flag update to tell the application to overwrite it.


To overwrite your api_key codewars config api_key YOUR_API_KEY --update.


Display all the information related to a Codewars user in your Terminal.

codewars user USERNAME_OR_ID will display the information well formatted for your eyes.


Next Kata

Start a new session of training and download all the information related to a new kata. This command will create a file with all the information of the Kata and some metadata that is need it for submiting the kata later.

Also it will create a solution.{LANGUAGE_EXTENSION} file where you should place your code in other to be uploaded when submitting the kata.

codewars next_kata Valid languages

To specify a a different language just add a new param as the language you want to train.

codewars next_kata javascript

Submit Kata

When submitting a kata, the application will upload your code to the Codewars server and will wait for the server to respond with the result, depending on the respond, the kata could be finalized or keep working on it.

To submit use codewars submit KATA_NAME

By Default it will use you predefined language, but you can always specify a different one:

codewars submit KATA_NAME --language=LANGUAGE Valid languages

In case the name is not correct it will display a formatted list with all your katas order by language to help you.


This is the last step of the process.

To finish a kata type codewars finalize KATA_NAME

As well you can specify the language of the kata codewars finalize KATA_NAME --language=LANGUAGE Valid languages

It will close the kata four you.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.