Module: LongRegexen

Defined in:

Constant Summary collapse


allows a space between the minus sign and the number

INTEGER = /(?<int>\-?\d++)/
NUMBER ="(?<number>#{FLOAT.verbatim}|#{INTEGER.verbatim})")
/\b #a word boundary

(?<name>[A-Za-z_]\w*)  # the name, which must be a single word (not beginning 
        # with a digit) followed by

\s*=\s*    # an equals sign (possibly with whitespace either side), then

(?<default>(?>    # the default answer, which can be either:

  (?<float>\-?(?:(?>\d+\.\d*)|(?>\d*\.\d+))(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?) # a floating point number
  |            #or

  (?<int>\-?\d++)  # an integer

  |            #or

  (?:(?<delim>["'])(?<string>.*?)\k<delim>) # a string in quotes: '' or ""

  |            # or

  (?:(?<word>\S+)(?=\s|\)|\]|[\n\r]+)) # a single word containing no spaces 
          # which must be followed by a space or ) or ] or a new line

/<key>    #  <key> then

(?<name>[A-Za-z_]\w*)  # the name, which must be a single word (not beginning 
        # with a digit) followed by

<\/key>\s*    # <\/key> (possibly with following whitespace), then

<value>   # <value>, then

(?<default>    # the default answer, which can be either:

  (?<float>\-?(?:(?>\d+\.\d*)|(?>\d*\.\d+))(?:[eE]\-?\d+)?) # a floating point number 
  |            #or

  (?<int>\-?\d+)   # an integer

  |            #or

  (?<string>[^<]*)   # a string (containing no '<'s)


<value>   # <\/value>

/<      # < 

[^\/\S>]+   #  some word (containing no '\/'s or '>'s)

\s+     #some whitespace


(?<delim>["'])  # a double or single quote

(?<name>[A-Za-z_]\w*) # the name, which must be a single word (not beginning 
        # with a digit) followed by

\k<delim>   #a closing quote  

\s+     #some whitespace

(?<delimnext>["'])  # a double or single quote

(?<default>    # the default answer, which can be either:

  (?<float>\-?(?:(?>\d+\.\d*)|(?>\d*\.\d+))(?:[eE]\-?\d+)?) # a floating point number 
  |            #or

  (?<int>\-?\d+) # an integer

  |            #or

  (?<string>[^"']*) # a string (containing no quotation marks)


\k<delimnext>   #a closing quote  

\s*     #some whitespace

>   # >


<comp> : only complete sets of delimiters [], “”, ”, // or complete method calls: meth(params) or no delimiters at all: ensures that any following expressions are not inside open square brackets, quotation marks or regexen, or inside method parameter lists

    (?:   #a set of three options 
(?:  #option 1: complete sets of delimiters 
      (?<nest> #sub-expression denoting nested delimiters
 (?:   #  A: meth(stuff)
        (?:[A-Za-z_]\d*?) #method name ending in numbers or a letter
        \(  #begin brackets
          [^()\[\]"\/'] #no delimiters
          \g<nest> #complete nested sub-expression
 (?:   #  B: [stuff]
        \[  #begin square brackets
          [^()\[\]"\/'] #no delimiters
          \g<nest> #complete nested sub-expression
 (?:   #  C: \/stuff\/  or "stuff" or 'stuff'
        (?<delim>[\/"'])  #begin symmetrical delimiters
          [^()\[\]"\/'] #no delimiters
          \g<nest> #complete nested sub-expression
        \k<delim> #end symmetrical delimiters
      ) # end sub-expression denoting correctly nested delimiters 
[^()\[\]"\/'] #option 2: not delimiters
(?:  # option 3: open brackets with no methods call before them
 \W\d*  # possibly some kind of number but not a name
    )*? #as many of the above options as you like
      (?: #Here we specify the immediately preceding letter (it cannot be a dot or a colon)
    [^.:()\[\]"\/'] #Not a dot, a colon or a delimiter
    (?: # not a method call 
    \( #followed by an open bracket
    ^ #we can match the beginning of the string